Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
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Book page | Date | Account Name (data) | Entry | £ | Pounds | Shillings | Pence | |
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.337 | 26 May 1771 | Cash |
By Cards 2/6 By Servants 2/6. Ferriags. 3/9 |
8 | 9 | |||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.340 | 19 July 1771 | Cash |
By Mr Prentis - Cloth for a Suit of Cloaths |
7 | 0 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.340 | 20 July 1771 | Cash |
By Books |
13 | 9 | |||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.340 | Cash |
Carrd to folio - 344 |
£ | 1010 | 13 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.344 | 1771 | Cash |
By amount brought from folio 340 |
£ | 1010 | 13 | 9 | |
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.344 | 17 September 1771 | Cash |
By Expences to and from Annapolis |
2 | 16 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.345 | 6 November 1771 | Cash |
By George Lafong - Barber |
15 | 9 | |||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.345 | 7 November 1771 | Cash |
By Board at Mr John Carter’s |
1 | 13 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.345 | 7 November 1771 | Cash |
By Mrs Bassett for Mrs Washington & Miss Custis |
11 | 11 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.347 | 14 December 1771 | Cash |
By Cash pd Mr Thos Lawson Bale Acct |
13 | 5 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.347 | 19 December 1771 | Cash |
By Mr William Shaw providg Sundries &ca for the Election & Ball & his own trouble |
4 | 1 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.347 | 19 December 1771 | Cash |
By Peter Wise Balle Acct |
2 | 10 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.356 | 5 January 1772 | Cash |
By Expences at Arrells |
1 | 17 | 9 | ||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.356 | 18 February 1772 | Cash |
By Mrs Washington |
18 | 9 | |||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.356 | 27 February 1772 | Cash |
By Exps. at Fredericksburg |
8 | 9 | |||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.356 | 1 March 1772 | Cash |
By Cards |
8 | 9 | |||
Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.192 | 10 May 1765 |
[Total] |
233 | 8 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.3 | 6 March 1772 | Cash |
To Cash recd from Richd Croshe Graves for 2139 lbs. of Porke sold Colo. Ruffin from King Wm Quartr |
32 | 1 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.9 | 17 December 1773 | Manley, Harrison |
To Cash—pd Mrs Manley his Widow |
21 | 3 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.19 | 29 December 1773 |
To Cash |
3 | 3 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.20 | 1 January 1772 |
To amount brought from Ledger A |
18 | 9 | ||||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.21 | 1 January 1772 |
To Expences at Arrells in Alexa Settling with the Assignees of Jno. Semple for ye [the] Merryld Tract |
1 | 17 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.21 | 18 May 1772 |
Intr. thereon since ye [the] 10th Octr 1766 |
70.2.9 |
320 | 2 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.21 | 16 August 1773 |
To Cash paid Mr Chas Turner |
4 | 9 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.21 | 31 December 1774 |
To Balle credd folio 135.[0].[0] |
135.[0].[0] |
582 | 17 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.26 | 1772 |
To 14 Hhds DPC Tobo Shipd in ye [the] Risg Sun |
109 | 15 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.27 | 1 January 1772 | French, Penelope Manley |
To amount brought from Ledger A |
£ | 1 | 4 | 9 | |
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.27 | 1 January 1775 | French, Penelope Manley |
To Smiths Acct for 1774 pr Smiths Book |
2 | 5 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.27 | French, Penelope Manley |
To Cash pd Mr Wm Triplett on your Acct by the hands of Mr Lear |
114 | 13 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.28 | 9 May 1772 | Palmer, Jonathan |
To 95 lbs. of Porke more than your allowance in the year 1770 @ 25/ pr Ct |
1 | 3 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.28 | 9 May 1772 | Palmer, Jonathan |
To 129 lbs. of Beef @ 20/ |
1 | 5 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.29 | 1 January 1772 |
To Balle brought from Ledger A |
£ | 13 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.29 | 3 March 1787 |
[Total] |
£ | 77 | 18 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.29 | 10 June 1774 | Triplett, William |
To settlemt |
32 | 13 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.29 | 1 January 1789 | Triplett, William |
To ditto pd you due on £21.6. from 1st Jany 1789 to 22d July 1791 |
3 | 15 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.30 | March 1773 |
[Total] |
£ | 48 | 11 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.30 | 6 August 1774 |
To my proportion of the Sum voted in Convention, for defraying the Exps. of the deligates to the Congress at Philadelphia |
90 | 13 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.32 | 1 January 1772 | Peake, Humphrey |
To Balle brought from Ledger A |
£ | 1 | 4 | 9 | |
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.32 | 12 August 1774 | Peake, Humphrey |
To Smiths Acct to this date |
11 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.34 | September 1772 | Cleveland, James |
To Allowance in settling the Corn Acct pr Lund Washington |
5 | 14 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.34 | 24 July 1773 | Cleveland, James |
[Total] |
£ | 53 | 15 | 9 | |
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.34 | September 1772 | Gubner, Dominicus |
To 3 1/2 Bushl. of Salt pr Ditto |
8 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.34 | 14 October 1773 | Gubner, Dominicus |
To Sundry's pr Mill Book since ye [the] 1st Augt 1772. |
8 | 12 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.34 | 14 October 1773 | Gubner, Dominicus |
To Cash for Balle |
19 | 13 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.35 | March 1772 | Washington, Lund |
To 6 Silk Handkercfs with ye [the] Chargs & diffe. Excha. |
19 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.35 | 31 December 1772 | Washington, Lund |
To Ditto to pay Messrs Robt Adam & Co. for Negroes |
80 | 16 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.35 | 1 January 1775 | Washington, Lund |
To Taylors Acct to this date—pr Book |
10 | 9 | 9 | ||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.42 | 1773 |
To 300 Hoop Poles in May last pr L. Washingn |
3 | 9 | ||||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.47 | 1 June 1773 |
To Ditto paid Doctr Weatherspoon Presidt of Princeton College £48.16.0 Jersey —equal to |
39 | 0 | 9 | |||
Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.48 | 2 March 1772 |
To Ditto lost in Williamsburg |
8 | 9 |