Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
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Book page | Date | Account Name (data) | Entry | £ |
Pounds![]() |
Shillings | Pence | |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 8 October 1797 | Cash |
By Geo. W. La Fayette gave him for Doctr Smith President of Princeton college, to cover all the rectors demands against me on acct of G.W. Custis |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 8 October 1797 | Cash |
By Geo. W. La Fayette gave him to defray his exps to France <a Check on> the Bank of Alexandria |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 6 September 1797 | Cash |
By Subscription to the building of a Bridge <in> Alexandria (omitted |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 10 September 1797 | Cash |
By John C. Ehler paid him in full of all accts |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 11 September 1797 | Cash |
By a Whip thong, <s>lash |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 11 September 1797 | Cash |
By James Anderson to be accd for |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 11 September 1797 | Cash |
By toll & ferriage to George Town |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 11 September 1797 | Cash |
By Tavern exps at George Town |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 12 September 1797 | Cash |
By Servts & exps returning from George Town |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 12 September 1797 | Cash |
By One per <illegible> Irons |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 16 September 1797 | Cash |
By Taxes pd the Sheriff of Fairfax County |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 17 September 1797 | Cash |
By Doctr Stuart pd him for a horse ought of Alexa Cleveland |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.40 | 18 September 1797 | Cash |
By Mrs Peakes pd her for 27 29/60 buss wheat |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | Cash | |||||||
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 1797 | Cash |
By Amount brought over |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 18 October 1797 | Cash |
X By my Servt Christopher gave him to bear his exps to Lebanon in Pennsylvania to be cured for the bite of a Mad dog |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 23 October 1797 | Cash |
By Mrs Washington gave her |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 23 October 1797 | Cash |
By a <f>ender $3.50 gave servts 25 Cents |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 25 October 1797 | Cash |
By John Laurens painter pd him in full |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 25 October 1797 | Cash |
By Peter Gilling (Cook) pd him in full |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 25 October 1797 | Cash |
By Charity |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 26 October 1797 | Cash |
By 40 Turkeys @ 75 Cents |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 26 October 1797 | Cash |
By Patrick McCarty pd him in full for masonry |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 28 October 1797 | Cash |
By John Godsbury pd him freight of 200 bushels of Coal from Richmond |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 28 October 1797 | Cash |
By Charity 75 Cents 6 buss Oysters $2.50 |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 29 October 1797 | Cash |
By charity 2.50 |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 4 November 1797 | Cash |
By Dennis Poole pd him for <33 7/60> buss wheat |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 4 November 1797 | Cash |
By John Watson do for 4 52/60 do |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 4 November 1797 | Cash |
By George Wylie 9 48/60 do |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 8 November 1797 | Cash |
By a pr boots for Cyrus & Sundries from St<ores> |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 10 November 1797 | Cash |
By Wm Wilson pd him for a Bill on London On Messrs Findley, Bannalyn & Co for £10 Sterling exchange 33 1/3 |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 11 November 1797 | Cash |
By Gideon Worth pd him for 412 Cedar Posts |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 11 November 1797 | Cash |
By Francis McGehee in part of his wage |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 16 November 1797 | Cash |
By Charity $10 Sundries for Mrs Washington |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 16 November 1797 | Cash |
By Geo. W. Custis |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 20 November 1797 | Cash |
By exps in Alexa $3-75 Geo. W. Custis $6-25 |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 22 November 1797 | Cash |
By Mrs Washington $50 Fanny Henley 15$ |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 24 November 1797 | Cash |
By Charity |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 25 November 1797 | Cash |
By Jas Anderson to pay for wheat delivered into my Mill |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | 27 November 1797 | Cash |
By Wm Dandridge for 200 Buss Coal |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.41 | Cash |
By Charity |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | Cash | |||||||
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | 1797 | Cash |
By Amount brot over |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | 2 December 1797 | Cash |
By John Violet in part of his wages |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | 2 December 1797 | Cash |
By Harper & Davis in part of their acct |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | 4 December 1797 | Cash |
By Jas Anderson to be accd for |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | 7 December 1797 | Cash |
By Francis McGehee |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | 7 December 1797 | Cash |
By Doctr Fendal dentist pd him |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | 13 December 1797 | Cash |
By Henry Lloyd for 12 55/60 buss wheat |
Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.42 | 13 December 1797 | Cash |
By Humphrey Sims 10 23/60 do |