A general account of the estate of Daniel Parke Custis, dated c.October 1759, includes the following: "By Protested Bills for Wm Bowler’s Excha. on Jas Gildart Esqr. dated July 11th 1754 & protested April 8th 1755, endorsd D.P. Custis (besides Intt & charge of Protest[)]". On 5 Nov. 1759 John Mercer brought suit for payment of the protested bill, which had been assigned to Martha Washington, and a judgment of the General Court on 20 Oct. 1762 against William Bowler awarded GW £188.8.2 current money (£109.17.6 sterling) (Schedule B: General Account of the Estate, c.October 1759, in Papers, Colonial Series, 6:252-61).
The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition, ed. Theodore J. Crackel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda, 2008.