Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.334

Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
2 1771 Mar. 11

To Cash sent Captn Wm Crawford - pr Marcus Stephenson's Receipt for £65 Pensa Money - equal to

3 Oct. 21

To Cash paid Captn William Crawford pr Receipt

41 14 4
4 1772 Jan. 1

To Balle carrd to Ledger B folo 40

10 10 0


£ 104 4 4
Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
2 1771 Mar. 6

By amount brought from folio 322

£ 24 1 10
3 Do

By Cash from Captn Hog - his 2d advance towards the Expence of Surveying

6 15
4 Ditto

By Colo. Stephen in full for his 1st & 2d

11 2 6

By Mr James Mercer for his Brother Colo. Mercer's and his (two shares)

9 0 0
6 Ditto

By Ditto on Acct of Ditto for 2 Soldiers to wit John Hamilton & Mark Hollis 21/each

2 2
7 Do

By Mr McQuire on Acct of James Cammack Proportion of the above Expence

1 1 0
8 8

By Magnus Tate - for David Gorman's & Patrick Gallaway's proportn of Do

2 2 0
9 11

By Isaac Larew - for Nathl Barrett

1 1 0

By Geo: Washington's quota

11 5

By Colo. Muse's … Ditto

11 5
12 May 7

By Jno. Gholson

1 1

By Richd Morris … their quotas

1 1

By Richd Smith … Do

1 1 0

By Mr John West's 2d advance pr G. Washington

4 10 0

By Cash from Colo. Andrew Lewis pr Captn Hog for his 1st & 2d advance

15 15
17 July 17

By John Creagh

1 1 0


£ 104 4 4