Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.239

Debit Side Annotation

Line 2 - In 1785, GW had sent Clement Biddle public certificates issued in payment for cornmeal and flour that Gilbert Simpson, the manager from 1773 to 1784 of GW's property on the Youghiogheny River, had supplied the public and the army, from GW's mill .  GW later sent Biddle a United States certificate given to Simpson in payment for flour and meal from GW's mill at Washington Bottom. When GW let Biddle decide whether or not to sell the certificate, the latter collected the interest due and lent the certificate to the state of Pennsylvania in return for a state certificate, which would pay interest "every Six Months."  Biddle sent that state certificate to GW, and subsequently informed him, in a letter of 15 Oct. 1786, that he (Biddle) had "funded" the certificate "amount £127.6.11 Pennsylvania Currency," and that he was enclosing "84 50/90 Dollars in Indents" which he had received. In that letter, Biddle also noted that he received one year's interest. See GW to Clement Biddle, 1 Feb. 1785, and n.8 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 2, pages 306-9)]; Biddle to GW, 13 Aug. 1786 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 4, pages 208-9)]; and Biddle to GW, 15 Oct. 1786 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 4, pages 294-95)]





Ledger B, folio 239, left side



Ledger B, folio 239, right side
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 [*] 1786

To a funded Debt, as pr Col. Biddles letter of Octr 15th 1786. Interest accruing thereon from Octr 1st 1786 @ 6 pr Cent pr Ann.

£ 127 6 11
4 1786.

To Amot brot from Folio


£ 53 13 10
5 Decr 30th

To 500 lb. Pork @


To 1 Bushl Salt

0 2 6

To your Acct from the Smith's book for 1786

0 1 0

To your Acct from the Mill book since July 25th

2 4 4
9 1787 Jany 19

To Cash pd you on Acct of Wages

6 0 0

To 230 l[b]s. of beef @ 3d. pr deld you in the fall

2 18 7 1/2


65 0 3 1/2

To Balance due fm you & chargd to New Acct


1 1 1
13 Jany 5

To 22 days work which you are to make up at the end of your year which was Jany 5. your new agreement therefore commences Jany 27. 1787

66 1 4 1/2
15 1786

To one year & 12 days rent of my House in Alexa. @ £40 per Annum

41 12 0
16 1788

To the Plank & Posts which were upon my lot in Alexandria

1 12 6
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1791

By the United States, the Contra Debt being funded in the United States Loan office in Pennsylvania

4 1786 Decr 30

By 500 lb. Pork, delivered you as pr Agreement, and charged on the Contra side @

5 1787.

By 1 Bushl Salt allowed you as pr agreement

0 2 6
6 Jany 5

By 16 months work-@ £45 pr Annum

60 0 0

By Sundries charged on Cr. which was settled for by Mr Lund Washington in 1785

4 17 9 1/2


65 0 3 1/2

By Balance charged in new Acct


1 1 1


66 1 4 1/2
12 1787 March 19

By Cash pd Major Washington


11 0 0
13 April 16

By Do pd Ditto


8 0 0
14 May 26

By Do pd Ditto


9 0 0
15 June 14

By Do pd Mr Lear


8 0 0
16 July 28

By Do pd Majr Washington


5 12 0


£ 41 12 0
18 1788 July 4

By Cash recd on acct of Plank & Posts sold you


1 12 6