Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.303

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1789 March 14

To Cash pd you on Acct of wages 14 Guineas


19 12
3 1790 Feby 13

To ditto pd your Wife Mary Bloxham on acct of wages due You

4 June 1st

To 1255 lb. Midlings furnished You since the 1st March 1789 to the present date @ 15/.

9 8 3

To 1734 1/2 lb. Beef and Pork furnished You from the time You commenced house keeping to the present date @ 25/ pr hundred

21 13 7 1/2

To 35 1/2 lb. Bacon @ 6d. 17/9. 21 lb. Mutton @ 4d. 7/

1 4 9

To 150 Shad furnished in 1789 £1.2.6. 2 Bus. 1/2 Salt 6/8

1 9 2
8 12

To Cash pd You on acct of wages


9 1791. Apl 8.

To Your order in favor of Mr Alexander Smith


10 June 7.

To Cash pd You in full of all demands as pr Receipt of this date


19 11 8 ½


£ 367 19 6
13 1789

To 500 wt Tobacco, that being one third of the Rent of the place occupied by J. Robertson and yourself @ 18/

4 10
14 March 13th

To Cash


14 7
15 May 14th

To 150 Shad 18/ 5,000 Herrings 25/

2 3

To 1 1/2 Bushls Oats 3/9. 2 ditto Potatoes 4/ 4 ditto Salt 10/8

18 5
17 July— 1

To Cash pd you in full for weaving to this date


4 1 7
18 Augt 25.

To ditto pd you in full for weaving 1 piece Linnen 65 yds 1 ditto 64 ditto—129 Yds @ 4d.


2 3
19 Octr 10th

To ditto pd You in full for weaving to this date


5 1 8
20 Decr 23d

To ditto pd You on acct of weaving


1 16
21 1790 Feby 27.

To ditto pd You on acct of ditto


5 2
22 Apl 30.

To ditto pd You on acct of ditto


9 4

To 750 wt Tobacco being one half of the Rent of the place occupied by J. Robertson and Yourself last year and ending 25th of December 1789 @ 18/.

6 15
24 Augt 27th

To Your Bond payable this day for a horse purchased at my Sale 27th Augt 1789.


To 150 Shad furnished You in fishing season @ 12/



£ 40 12 7
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1789 March— 1st

By balance due you, brot forward from Old Acct


£ 232 15s. 6d.
3 June 1

By one year & 3 Months wages from the 1st March 1789 to this date @ 60 Guineas pr year


By Flour allowed You as pr agreement from the 1st March 1789 to this date at the rate of 800 wt pr year at 15/ pr hundred (1000 wt)

7 10 0

By Your allowance of Beef & Pork from 9th June 1787 when You commenced house keeping to the present date at the rate of 600 wt per year being 3 years & 9 days 1816 lb. @ 25/

22 14


£ 367 19 6
8 1789 March 1

By weaving 223 1/2 yds of woollen since the last settlement in old Acct @ 4d.


3 14 4
9 May 5th

By 131 3/4 yds Linnen @ 4d. 43/11. May 10th 65 yds ditto @ 4d. 21/8

3 5 7
10 16th

By 65 yds Linnen @ 4d. 21/8. 30th May. 65 ditto @ 4d. 21/8

2 3 4
11 June 12th

By 64 yds Linnen @ 4d. 21/4d. June 20th 64 yds @ 4d. 21/4d.

2 2 8
12 27th

By 65 yds Linnen @ 4d. 21/8d.

1 1 8
13 Augt 1st

By 65 Yds Linnen @ 4d. 21/8d.—25th 64 Yds ditto @ 4d. 21/4d.

2 3 0
14 Sepr-- 4th

By 60 Yds Lincy @ 4d. 20/ 12th 60 Yds Woolen @ 4d. 20/.

15 19th

By 62 Yds Woolen Cloth @ 4d. 20/8d. 19th 61 ditto @ 4d. 20/4d.

2 1 0
16 Octr 10th

By 62 Yds Woolen Cloth @ 4d. 20/8 24th 61 1/2 ditto @ 4d. 20/6

2 1 2
17 Novr 21st

By 60 Yds Woolen Cloth @ 4d. 20/

18 Decr 12.

By 61 Yds Lincey @ 4d. Decr 12th 62 Yds ditto @ 4d.

2 1
19 20.

By 62 Yds Lincey @ 4d. 20/8. 30th 60 1/2 Wollen @ 4d. 20/2d.

2 10
20 1790 Jany 9th

By 32 Yds Lincey @ 4d. 10/8d. 23d 61 yds Black Woollen @ 4d.

1 11
21 28

By 33 yds Lincy @ 4d. 11/. Feby 27th 20 Yds @ 4d. Linnen 6/8d.

17 8
22 March 16

By 40 1/2 Yds Linnen @ 4d. 13/6d. ditto 44 1/2 Yds Lincey @ 4d. 14/10d.

1 8 4
23 Apl 20

By 51 yds Toweling @ 1/4d. £3.8.0. 22d 30 yds Linnen @ 4d. 10/

3 18
24 30

By 30 Yds Linnen @ 4d. 10/. May 22d 30 Yds ditto @ 4d. 10/

25 June 5

By 61 1/2 Yds Linnen @ 4d. £1.0.6d. July 3d 60 1/2 ditto @ 4d. £1.0.2

2 0 8
26 10

By 62 1/2 Yds Linnen @ 4d. £1.0.10d. 31st ditto 67 Yds ditto @ 4. £1.2.4

2 3 2

By Amount Carried to


£ 38 13 5