Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.334

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1791.

Amount brought over


£ 5004 10 1/2
3 Novemr 1st

To Mr Chichester Recd of him for the season of 2 Mares to my Horse this Year @ 15/. each

1 10
4 7.

To Peter Colter Recd of him for a Horse purchased at my sale £3.17.0. also 6/8d. Interest on that sum being in full of his Bond

4 3 8
5 15

To Cash Recd of Robinson Sanderson & Co. lodged in their hands by Mr Battaile Muse on acct of his Collection of my Rents


10 5 4

To ditto Recd of ditto being for 4 Table Cloths purchased & pd for 21st Octr as pr their Bill & Rect but not answering they were returned

2 19 6


£ 5022 19 4 1/2
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1791.

Amount brought over


£ 4656 10 5 1/4
3 Octr 29th

By William Wilson & Co. pd them as pr Rect being so much pd by their order into the hands of Benjamin Harrison Junr Esqr. of Richmond by Mr James Brown of that place to be applied in discharge of Claims from the James River Company Mr Harrisons Rect acknowledges the payment of it into his hands—dated the 14th Inst. and filed with Mr Wilsons Rect of this date


By Thomas Green pd him on acct of wages


1 4
5 30

By Doctr James Craik pd him being a donation to his Son George Washington Craik for his education


By Jonah Thompson pd him for 12 Yds Dimety for Miss Harriet Washington

2 14

By William Wilson & Co. pd them for 5 Bushls Salt & 5 B: Coal


By Mr William Ball pd him for Mill wrights work done to my Mill also in executing Evans's Machinery—22d and omited to enter it—the Rect is in full of all demands and specifies the time employed in each work

47 9
9 Novemr 1st

By Cash pd for 1 Yd Dimety for Miss Harriet Washington of Mr Jonah Thompson 4/6d. also 1 1/2 Yd Linnen bt by Peter for her 3/9

8 3
10 2d

By William Wilson & Co. pd them for 460 Ells of German Osnabgs @ 1/2d. £26.16.8. also 138 lb. plow plates @ 4d. £2.6.0

29 2 8

By Buchan Patton & Co. pd them for 6 Yds Wildboar for Miss Harriet Washington for a peticoat


By ditto pd ditto for a padlock for the Cellar door of the Barn

1 8

By Williams & Cary pd them for 6 Yds Course Cloth for a Great Coat for old Jack


By Doctr James Kennedy pd him for 1 oz. Calomel & 7 oz. of Jalap

13 6
15 6

By Mrs Eithy (Midwife) pd her for delivering Caroline at the Mansn House, & Darcus at Muddy Hole each 10/

16 7.

To Peter Colter Recd of him for a Horse purchased at my sale £3.17.[0] also 6/8d. Interest on that sum being in full of his Bond

4 3 8

By John Hickman & Co. pd them for 8 pr Wool Cards

1 1 5

By Cash pd to George Hunter by Mr Whiting for 700. 6d. 500. 4d. Sprigs 5/6d. also pd by ditto as pr memorandum annexed to sd Rect for a nest of Gimblets 3 Butchers Knives—2 Chalk Lines 1 lb. powder 5 lb. Shot 1 pr <Scisors>, & 1 Thimble 11/6d.

17 0
19 14

By Doctr James Craik pd him in full of all demands for his attendance, prescription & medecine—his Acct now setled commenced 17th March 1789 and ended 4th Novr 1791.


60 1 7
20 15

By James Douglass & Co. pd them for a Blue Milled Cap for Old Jack

1 6

By Davis Denike pd him for Capt. Cahart being for the freight of 4 Bales Blankets & 2 small packages

2 1 9

By James Douglass Junr & Co. pd them for 8 Yds Callico for Miss Harriet Washington

1 4

By McIver & McKenzie for 700 feet Inch plank @ 7/

2 9 0

By 3 Bushels Oysters

6 0


£ 4944 5 1/4