Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.338

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1792

Amount brought over


£ 5446 19 1/2
3 March 31st

To Cash Recd for 130 Shad sold in Alexandria by Simms

1 6 10
4 April 3d

To Cash Recd for 440 Shad sent to Alexandria by Davis

2 14
5 5th

To ditto Recd for 1000 ditto sent to Alexandria by one Oakley


To ditto Recd for 1824 ditto sold in Alexa. by Davis & Simms

8 13 7
7 21st

To ditto Recd of Mr Joseph Davenport on acct of Fish sold by him at poseys Fishery

6 12
8 May- 1st

To ditto Recd of ditto on acct of Fish sold at poseys fishery

19 7 1 1/2
9 4th

To ditto Recd of Mr William Fitzhugh of Maryland for a Jennet sent to the Knight of Malta this season

10 7th

To ditto Recd of Mr Joseph Davenport for Fish sold at poseys Fishery

2 11 6
11 8th

To ditto Recd of William Wilson & Co. in consequence of an order of Doctr Stuarts being on acct of my Annuity from the Estate of Mr Custis




£ 5598 3 1
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1792

Amount brought over


£ 5386 2 1/2
3 March 29th

By Mr Anthony Whiting pd him on acct of wages


25 15 9
4 31st

By Oliver Price Clerk of the Vestry pd him in full for the Revd Mr Fairfax being pew Rent in the Episcopal Church in Alexandria for the years 1790 & 1791. as pr acct and Rect ending 1st of August 1791. @ £3.0.0. pr Year

5 April 3d

By Doctr Kennedy pd him for Bark, Camphor & Magnesia

1 2 6

By More and Young pd them for 28 1/2 Gallons Molasses @ 3/3d.

4 12 7 1/2

By Mr Jonah Thompson pd him for 7 M. 8d. Nails @ 7/

2 9
8 6th

By John Christian Ehlers pd him on acct of wages


9 12th

By Hodgson Nicholson & Co. pd them for stock Locks—1 for the Garden Gate & 1 for the work shop

10 15th

By Robinson Sanderson & Co. pd them for 50 feet window Glass 9 by 11

2 4

By George Hunter pd him for 19 pains Glass 8 by 10

11 10 1/2

By Bushby the painter pd him by Mr Whiting for 14 lb. Whiting @ 4d.

4 8

By Robinson Sanderson & Co.[']s Cooper pd him for 8 1/2 lb. Chalk by Mr Whiting

2 10

By John Murray and Co. pd them for 4 Barls Stone Lime @ 12/

2 8
15 19th

By Dunlap and Craig pd them for 1 lb. Seine Twine @ 2/


By Mrs Anna Gray pd her for a Cap, Feathers & Ribbon for Miss Harriet Washington

2 6

By Hodgson Nicholson & Co. pd them for 2 Handsaws & 2 Stock Locks

1 2
18 20th

By Mr John Gilpin pd him for his Father Colo. George Gilpin Mr Isaac Hites order in favor of Mr Charles Beale £12.10.[0] with Interest from the 31st of December 1749 untill this day being £26.9.1 1/2 also £5.11.10 1/2 Costs amountg in the whole to £44.11.0. being in full of a decree obtained in the high Court of Chancery in a suit Hite & others & the Representatives of the late Lord Fairfax as will fully appear from the Copy of said decree which is filed with the order & Rect

44 11
19 21st

By Solomon Layfeild pd him for 4,400 feet Inch plank @ 6/8d.

14 13 4
20 May 3d

By Michael Grater pd him in full for a seine purchased of him


By paton & Butcher pd them for 1,000 Sprigs

3 9

By ditto pd ditto for a pr Shoes for Miss Harriet W__n

23 8th

By Mr Frances Payton for 2 papers pins for Miss Ht Washington

1 6

By William Marks pd him for making Geer for workg the Mules and horses about the Mansn House

4 15

By William Wilson & Co. pd them as pr Bill & Rect for 300 Bushls Salt @ 1/11d. £28.15.0. freight of 190 Barrels of Flour from the Mill to Alexandria @ 3d. £2.7.6. also freight pd by them to Mr Ricd Curson of Baltimore which was pd by him to Capt. Le Sayer for 4 Tierces & 3 hoggsheads Clover seed from New York to Baltimore in 1789 £2.1.3d. Maryld Curry—Virginia £1.13.[0]

32 15 6

By Robinson Sanderson & Co. pd them for 5 pieces German Osnabrigs 564 Ells @ 1s./1d. £30.11.0. 1 lb. whited brown thread

30 18

By Lawe Hooff for 125 lb. Beef furnished 25 March 1791

1 17 6


£ 5596 4 4 1/2