Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.13

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1793

To Cash lent you on the 25th of May 1786 - For which I have the Bond of yourself and Uriah Springer bearing date the 25th of May 1786


£ 62 3
4 1767

Note: This account having been settled with the Court of Fairfax, it is thought best to <enter> the whole in this Book that it may be seen at one time.-

5 Jany 22

To pd Mr Rind for Advertising the sale of Negroes

£ 5

To a Legacy Devised me by Sd Colvills will


To pd the Postage of a Letter directed to his Executors

2 6
8 1771 Oct<r> 10

To Interest upon Sd Legacy

9 1772 Jany

To Expences at Arells in Alexa settleing with assignees of John Semple for the purchase of the Maryland Tract of land sold Semple by Colo. Colvill

1 17 9
10 May 10

To pd William Bernard a Legacy left his wife (Sarah Savin) by Colo. Colvill


To pd him Interest thereupon from Octr 10th 1766

70 2 9
12 June 13

To Cash pd Doctr Rumney his Account

27 9 6

To pd Isabella Hollingsberry a Legacy left her

25 10
14 Augt 18

To pd Robert Hainson for several Opinions, Fees and assistance in settleing Accounts

3 17 6
15 20

To pd George West for Sundry services performed for Thomas Colvill in his Life time

2 18 6

To pd ditto for running out and dividing the, Accotinique Land

5 11

Carrd over

£ 522 14 6
Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
3 1772

By Sundry Bills of Exchange paid by the assignees of John Semple in part of the Maryland Tract of Land viz -

4 Mch 18

By 1 Bill drawn by Thomas Montgomerie upon Messrs James Ritchie & Co. for £200 Stg payable in London, sold at 20 pCent

£ 240

By 1 other sett of Exchange drawn by Cumberland Wilson upon Colin Dunlop & Son & Co. for £100 Stg payable in London sold @ 20 p.Cent

6 April 9

By 1 other sett of ditto drawn by Adam Stuart upon the same for £200 Stg payable in London sold at 20 p.Cent

7 Octr 19

By 1 other sett of do drawn by do upon do for £222.13.3 Stg payable in London sold at 25 p.Cent

278 6 7
8 "

By 1 other sett of Exchange drawn by ditto upon do for £94.6.4 Stg payable in London sold @ 25 p.C

117 10 5
9 1773 Feby 15

By 2 Negroes bought at the Sale of Negroes upon the death of Mr Colvill to wit; Ned at £72 and Maria @ £49.10.0

121 10
10 "

By Cash for old Abner sold at vendue to Moses Simpson


Carrd over

£ 1149 7