Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.326

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1791

Amount brought over


£ 3825 6 2 3/4
3 May 2

To Cash Recd of Joseph Davenport for Fish sold at Poseys Fishery

24 17 8
4 5.

To Hepburn & Dundas Recd of them William Johnsons order on them taken in payment for Fish

1 4

To Robinson Sanderson & Co. Recd of them £1.7.6 which with 17 M: Nails and some other Articles as pr Bill is in full for 59 Bushels Flax seed sold them @ 3/9d.

1 7 6

To Mr Battaile Muse Recd of him by the hands of Mr Magnus Tate 29th Apl & omited enterg it, being on acct of his collection of my Rents 45 half Joes wt


106 11 4


£ 3959 6 8 3/4
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1791.

Amount brought over


£ 3670 14 5 3/4
3 April 26.

By John Christian Ehlers pd him on acct of wages


4 4
4 27.

By Hodgson & Nicholson pd them for 1 doz: handsaw files

5 May 2.

By Cash furnished Austin to pay his passage in the Stage and defray his expences to Philadelphia

4 16
6 4

By Cash pd for 7 Bushls New England potatoes for plantg 9/—2 pr Carpenters dividers 2/6. 1 Rule 2/. 2 Brushes 2/9d.—2 Gross Corks 5/ & a Chain 1/6 purchased by Mr Whiting as pr Bill of this date

1 2 9
7 5

By Hepburn & Dundas pd them for 191 lb. seine Twine @ 2/4d.

22 5 8

By Buchan & Patton pd them for a wire meal sifter


By Robinson Sanderson & Co. for a Mouse Trap

1 3
10 6th

By Laurence McGinnis pd him in full for seine Netting & Riging—specifying the Cost & dimensions in his Rect of this date

3 13 3 1/2d.
11 8.

By Joseph Davenport pd him on acct of wages


12 10.

By William Duvall pd him for overhaulg—reprising & Coopering 3 hoggsheads Tobacco No. 307. 308. 309. as pr Bill and Rect

1 17 8

By Korn & Wisemiller pd them in full for 29 Galls. Molasses purchased of them as pr Bill 20th Octr 90

3 8 4

By Robinson Sanderson & Co. pd them for 6 pr Sheep Shares 10/6d.—6 pr leading Lines 6/

16 6

By Repairing a Lock

16 16

By Thomas Mahony pd him in full of all demands for one years wages commencing 7th May 1790. & ending 13th May 1791. on acct 6 days last time which was made up at the end of his year


10 16 0
17 17.

By Colo. George Gilpin pd him in full as pr Acct & Rect for Oyster shells, Tar, Molasses, Salt &c.

15 1 6

By Mr James Wilson pd him in full for a Box Candles purchased at Vendue

1 4 10

By Mr Andrew Jemmison pd him for 46 lb. Biscuit purchased in October 1790

15 0
20 19

By John Donnal & Co. pd them for 80 Gals. Country Rum @ 2/8 £9.10.10d. the Ball: £1.2.6. was discharged by an order on Colo. Fitzgerald from Colo. Lyles in consequence of a Mare & 2 Jennets sent by Co. Lyles to the Jacks the order amtd to £9.0.0. the Ball: was discharged by 60 Gals. Rum & Hoggshead furnished 23d March on acct of said order as will appear by Mr Donalds Bill of this date

9 10 10

By Doctr Kennedy pd him for 1 lb. Mustard

3 0
22 24

By Thomas Green pd him on acct wages


1 1


£ 3760 19 10 1/4