Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.250

Debit Side Annotation

Lines 2 and 12 - In a couple of transactions on this page, GW wrote words and phrases in large characters and closer to the left margin of the folio page than the other words in the transaction.  In an effort to reproduce as much as possible the format of the manuscript ledger, the editors have placed these words and phrases under the column headed "Account Name," though they do not represent account holders.



Ledger A, folio 250, left side



Ledger A, folio 250, right side
Year Month Day Entry
2 [*] For 1767

recd from Sundries viz.

John Crook Hg Ck Ware Ho. IC No. 2 1173 [pounds tobacco]
Edward Williams Ditto EW 3 1022 [pounds tobacco]
Geo. Thrift Falls WF 1 1000 [pounds tobacco]
Henry Taylor  Hg Ck  Transfer 730 [pounds tobacco]
Samuel Johnson Do SJ 2 1108 [pounds tobacco]
    5 1094 [pounds tobacco]
    6 1109 [pounds tobacco] 
Samuel King Do SK 2 955 [pounds tobacco]
Gilbert Simpson   Transfer 732 [pounds tobacco]
Jno. Sheridine   IS 3 896 [pounds tobacco]




9819 [pounds tobacco]

5 [*]
in York County made by Richd Street IC No. 13 966 [pounds tobacco]
    14 1091 [pounds tobacco]
    15 1110 [pounds tobacco]
    16 1132 [pounds tobacco]
    K 1221 [pounds tobacco]
    L 1225 [pounds tobacco]
    M 1240 [pounds tobacco]
    N 1119 [pounds tobacco]


9104 [pounds tobacco]

King William Cty at Claibornes by Jos. Davenport DPC 17 1102 [pounds tobacco]
    18 1133 [pounds tobacco]
    19 1082 [pounds tobacco]
    20 1048 [pounds tobacco]
    21 1106 [pounds tobacco]
    22 1168 [pounds tobacco]
    P 1041 [pounds tobacco]
    Q 1064 [pounds tobacco]


8744 [pounds tobacco]



27667 [pounds tobacco]

Year Month Day Entry
2 For 1767. June 15.

By Captn John Dalton Collectr for Fairfax Parish Transfer

1300 [pounds tobacco]


By Willm Gardner Collector for Truro Parish SK No. 2

Nett 955 [pounds tobacco]



162 [pounds tobacco]



1117 [pounds tobacco]


By 1 Hhd Tobo pd Mr Chs Washingn WF 1

1000 [pounds tobacco]

7 Augt 6.
By 6 Hhds Tobo sold Mr Ross  viz. SI 2 1108 [pounds tobacco]
    5 1094 [pounds tobacco]
    6 1109 [pounds tobacco]
  IC 2 1173 [pounds tobacco]
  EW 3 1022 [pounds tobacco]
  IS 3 896 [pounds tobacco]


6402 [pounds tobacco]

By 16 Hhds Shipd on board the Nautilus Jno. Boyes Mastr & Consignd Robt Cary Esqr. & Co. viz. IC 13 966 [pounds tobacco]
    14 1091 [pounds tobacco]
    15 1110 [pounds tobacco]
    16 1132 [pounds tobacco]
    K 1221 [pounds tobacco]
    L 1225 [pounds tobacco]
    M 1240 [pounds tobacco]
    N 1119 [pounds tobacco]
  DPC 17 1102 [pounds tobacco]
    18 1133 [pounds tobacco]
    19 1082 [pounds tobacco]
    20 1048 [pounds tobacco]
    21 1106 [pounds tobacco]
    22 1168 [pounds tobacco]
    P 1041 [pounds tobacco]
    Q 1064 [pounds tobacco]


17848 [pounds tobacco]



27667 [pounds tobacco]