Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.15

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1795 Augt 16

To pd Mr Tilghman his fee for negociating, and receiving a debt due from Sydney George to pd Thomas Colvill


£ 9

To Commission upon the receipt of £251.8.9 ¾ @ 5 p.Cent

12 11 5

To ditto upon the payment of £9.0.0 @ 2 ½ p.Cent

4 4 6
5 1796 July 18

To cash pd into the Bank of Alexandria agreeably to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery of Virginia, being the balance due from me as Surviving Exor to this Estate as pr Settlement with the Court of Fairfax and which is in full


932 17 3 ¾


£ 954 13 2 ¾
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d

By Balance due the Estate according to the Accounts settled with Fairfax Court brot over


£ 703 4 5
3 1795 June 17.

By Cash received of George Chalmers of London formerly an attorney Employed by the Exors of Thomas Colvill to record of Sydney George of Maryland a debt due from him to the Estate of which he received in Maryland money £100 - which sum he alledges to have paid soon after the receipt to one of the Executors, but from the great length of time since the transaction the receipt has been mislaid, but the sum received by him he has agreed to pay upon Condition of having the same refunded when ever he can produce the Receipt, and directed a Bill to be drawn for the said £100- at par being £60 Stg which at an Exchange of 5 pC produced £105.12.0 Maryland money equal to


84 9 7 ¼
4 Septr 4

By Cash of the Execution of Sydney George for the Balance of the debt due the sd Estate £221.<4>.0 Maryland money equal to


166 19 2 ½


£ 954 13 2 ¾