Ledger C, 1790 - 1799: pg.53

Credit Side Annotation

Line 13 - Agricultural inventor William Booker (d. 1802), who had previously erected a threshing machine at Union Farm, was at Mount Vernon from 7 to 12 July 1799 in order to construct a horse-powered grist mill for GW. On 3 March 1799, GW had written Booker on the subject of the mill: "Mr [James] Anderson has shewn me your letter of the 23d Ultimo, to him, with an estimate of the expence of building horse Mills, differently constructed. For the trouble you have taken in this business, I feel myself very much obliged." GW added that he required "A Mill grinding from 15 to 20 bushls a day, with two horses . . .  with the occasional aid of the Water Mill, which in the driest Seasons, grinds a little." GW advised Booker that he preferred his plan to attach "a Mill to one of the threshing machines now erected, " and even "annexing it to the Machine at Union, as most central to the Farms, & more convenient on other accounts." See GW to William Booker, 3 March 1799, and the notes to that document [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Retirement Series, Volume 3, pages 404-405)]; see also Diaries, 6:356 [Rotunda | Founders Online]; and the credit side annotation to Ledger C, 47.


Line 25 - GW's plowman Tom, a slave rented from Penelope Manley French, was suffering from an eye tumor that caused partial blindness. In July 1799 GW sent Tom to be treated by William Baynham (1749-1814), a surgeon with a medical practice in Essex County, Virginia. Baynham operated on both of Tom's eyes in early August, but the procedure proved unsuccessful. In a letter to GW of 21 Aug. 1799, Baynham wrote in part: "I am sorry that present appearances afford me no reason to alter my opinion. The tumor in the left Eye is, I am convinced, incurable; and a growing film in the right threatens to overspread the transparent Cornea and thereby deprive him of the sight of this eye, in which the vision is, at present, but imperfect—against this increasing evil I know of no remedy save that which I have applied, and which having failed I would advise that nothing more be attempted but to leave it to nature." Baynham released Tom from his care and charged GW a "consultati⟨on⟩ fee of five dollars." On 27. Aug., the date of this transaction, GW sent Baynham $10, which covered the surgeon's fee as well as travel expenses that Tom had asked Baynham to provide. See GW to William Baynham, 30 July 1799 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Retirement Series, Volume 4, page 217)]; Baynham to GW, 10 Aug. 1799 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Retirement Series, Volume 4, pages 229-30)]; Baynham to GW, 21 Aug. 1799 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Retirement Series, Volume 4, pages 263-64)]; and GW to Baynham, 27 Aug. 1799 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Retirement Series, Volume 4, page 271)]. 





Ledger C, folio 53, left side



Ledger C, folio 53, right side
Year Month Day Entry $ ¢
2 1799

To Amount brought over

3 July 28

To the Este of Mattw Ritchie Esqr decd recd from Judge Adison on acct of Sd Ritchie's bond given for land, bought of me in the County of Washington State of Pennsylvania


To the Bank of Pennsylvania, for Cash deposited therein for my use I presume by Colo. Israel Shreve

5 July 2

To the Bank of Alexandria, recd of the same on loan (vide Bank Book)

6 Augt 23

To flour sold for Cash @ & the acts deposited in the Bank by Colo. George Gilpin (vide Bk Book)

2849 29
7 June 25

To Rents on my land near monocasy Maryland recd from Colo. Fr. Deakins Rents collected by him in Tobo & money as pr Cash memorandum

127 59
Year Month Day Entry Page $ ¢
2 1799

By Amount brought over


3 June 18

By 215 bus. Oyster Shells

9 25
4 25

By Charity

5 27

By Jas Anderson put into his hands to pay the following a/cs which he has done as pr Rects to wit-



Bennett & Watts



Patten & Butcher



xDr Craik in full




1045 88

(Note Mr Anderson to have credit for $45.88 being that much more than he recd of me)

11 July 2x

By my Contract for building 2 houses in the City of Washington put into the hands of Doctr Thornton for carryg on the Same

12 10

By my houses in the City of Washington pd Messrs Soloman Cotton & Co. of Baltimore for Glass Sent me by Genl Lincoln from the Glass manufactory at Boston

250 43
13 [*] 12

xBy Wm Booker pd him for materials & his own Service in putting up a horse Grist mill

14 13

By 214 busls Oyster Shells

15 14

By Geo. W. Custis for Pocket money

16 30

By Exps of Frenches Tom, to Doctr Baynham

17 Augt- 2

By Ames <illegible> & Co. pd them for 4 bus Clover seed

18 5

xBy my contract for building 2 houses in the City of Washington put into the hands of Dr Thornton to advance Geo. Blagden

19 6

By my exps to Geo. Town

4 3

By Charity

6 25
21 8

By James Anderson


By Doct. Fendal Sent by his man John pr his order $28 gave his man $1.

23 14

By Messrs Claypoole pd them for their Paper

21 34
24 21

By Carpenter Isaac pd him for 8 Galls honey and a balance for Chickens

11 25
25 [*] 27

By Doctr Baynham pd him for his Services to Frenches Tom