Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.15

Credit Side Annotation

Line 16 - In his letter of 20 Oct. 1761, to London merchant Richard Washington, GW included an invoice in which he listed several items of clothing which he requested Richard to purchase and ship to him. Among the items were suits of clothes for winter and summer, "Two best Beaver Hatts—Plain," and "Two Taylors Notch Bds." In that same letter, GW elaborated on his preferences for the clothing, as well as his reason for choosing Richard as the appropriate person to fulfill his order. GW wrote: "As they [clothes] are designd for Waring Apparel for myself I have committed the choice of them to your fancy—having the best opinion of your taste—I want neither Lace nor Embroidery—plain Cloaths with a gold or Silver Button (if worn in genteel Dress) is all I desire—I have hitherto had my Cloaths made by one Charles Lawrence in old Fish Street but whether it be the fault of the Taylor, or the Measure sent I can’t say but certain it is my Cloaths have never fitted me well. I therefore leave the choice of the Workman to your care likewise—I enclose a Measure, and for a further Insight I dont think it amiss to add that my stature is Six feet—otherwise rather slender than Corpulent". In a letter to GW of 27 April 1762, which has not been found, Richard Washington apparently mentioned having sent a "Box," which supposedly contained the clothes GW had ordered. However, GW never received the box or the clothing, and no other letter from Richard to GW on the subject has been found. See GW to Richard Washington, 20 Oct. 1761, and n.1 to that document [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Colonial Series, Volume 7, pages 80-81)]; see also GW to Richard Washington, 27 Sept. 1763 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Colonial Series, Volume 7, pages 257-58)]; and GW to Richard Washington, 20 Sept. 1765 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Colonial Series, Volume 7, pages 404-5)] .




Ledger A, folio 15, left side



Ledger A, folio 15, right side
Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
2 1756 Apl 14

To my Order on Mr Anthoy Bacon

Sterling 6 18 1
3 Octr 26

To a Bill of Excha: on Mr Hicks

4 July

To three hogshds Tobo Shipd you pr Captn Merrie

18 13 10

To loss on 4 Hhds Tobo pr the Integrety Captn Thompson

6 1757 Septr 10

To my Order on Mr Bacon for the nett proceeds of Eight Hogsheads Tobo Shipd pr Captn Younger

57 16
7 Octr

To Eight Hhds Shipd you pr Captn McKay in ye [the] Alexa.

37 19 6
8 Decr

To my Order on Mr Knox of Bristol for the Ballance of my acct

9 April

To a Bill of Exchange Remitted you by Mr Fielg Lewis

10 Ditto

To a Bill Remitted myself on Alexander Edinbourg

11 1759 Apl

To a Sett. of Excha. on Mesrs Berrie of Glasgow drawn by Jas Corbett

40 9
12 Septr

To a Sett. of Exchange drawn on Messrs Capel and Osgood Hanbury for


To 9 Hhds Tobo Shipd you pr the Arnold Captn Cusens a Ship of Mr Benja. Grymes's Virga sold for

91 13 2

To Mr Carlyle on Hicks

53 11

To Goods retaken in Captn Down's & carrd to Bristol

16 1763

To Sales of Six Hhds Tobo shipd pr McGachen

24 16 6

To 4 Ditto shipd pr Cuzzens

16 1 1


£ 557 18 2

To the Contra Balle

35 6 4

To Allowance for Goods retaken in Captn Down's as above (for wch no acct has yet been Rendd)


To overchargd in ye [the] Premium of 50£ insurd on 6 Hhds pr Captn Thompson there being only 4 Hhd


this Acct carrd to Ledger B

Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
2 1756 Apl

By Sundrie Goods Shipd per Captn Younger

Sterling 69 19 3
3 1757 Mar. 18

By the Premium of £50 Insurd pr Captn Thompson

13 7

By Commissions &ca on Ditto

5 Augt 20

By Sundries pr Captn Dick

274 2

By Commissions &ca

13 1
7 Novr 10

By Sundries pr Captn Whiting & Nicholson

105 4 1
8 1759 July

By Sundries pr the desire Captn Saunder's

16 1 7

By Ditto shipd pr Captn Downs, which were taken, & retaken, & carried into Bristol

15 18 1
10 Decr

By chargd me for negociating Bills

18 9

By Sundries pr Captn Merrie

11 16

By Intt & Commissions pr yr Acct Currt renderd Decr 1759.

14 7


522 11 10

By Balle due G. Wn.

35 6 4


£ 557 18 2
16 [*]

Note this acct to be credited by Sundry Cloaths which were orderd 20th Octr 1761—provided it can be made appear, that those things were really sent; which I fancy cannot be done, & that the charge is nothing less than a juggle as will almost appear from his own Letters & the Cloaths not comg to hand nor no Accts of them—see my Letters—& his on the Subject.