Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
To a Quarter built by my Carpenters for you on Shank
To 5 ditto single ditto
103 lent
To Acct Carried to Folio |105|
To Cash at Winchester
To Cash in Williamsburg
To Ditto from my Brother John
To Ditto to Mr Wm Crawford by ye [the] Desire
To my share of the Balle in favour of the Estate as pr Settlement made at Alexa. of this date
To Cash pd Humphrey Keyes at your request
To Mr Samuel Donne
To Cash pr yr Brothr Charles
To Cash of Mr James Mercer
To Ditto paid Mr Magowan at yr request
To a Post Chariot & Harness from Robt Cary Esqr. & Co. at your desire Cost Sterlg
To Cash lent you at Mr Man Pages
To Ditto at Alexandria
To Ditto to Chr. Hardwick for your use