Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.180

Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
2 1764. Apl 18

To 257 1/2 Bushels of Wheat @ 3/9

£ 48 5s. 7 1/2d.

To Balle credited pr Contra

4 4 1/2


48 10
5 1765

To Wheat according to your Millers Rects viz.

6 Mar. 30.

Delivered by Mr Lund Washington

334 Bushls

7 May 15.

Ditto by Ditto

316 [bushels]

8 25.

Ditto by Thomas Bishop

310 [bushels]

9 28.

Ditto by James Cleveland

152 3/4 [bushels]



1112 3/4 [bushels] @ 3/9

£ 208 12 11 3/4


208 12 11 3/4
12 June 17.

To Balle pr Contra

140 19 1
13 1767 Octr 1

Interest on Do till dischargd—viz.

16 2 1
14 Novr 22.

To a Load of Wheat—pr Jas Muirs Rect viz.

430 Bushls

15 Decr 4.

Ditto Do pr Ditto

436 Do

16 1765 Do 16

Ditto Do pr Spence Minor

427 1/2 [bushels]



1293 1/2 [bushels] @ 3/9

242 8 9
18 1767 Octr 1

To Interest on Ditto to the date

21 13 8

To Wheat as follow—viz.

20 1766. Decr 19

pr Jas Muirs rect

472 Bls

21 Feby 27.

Jas Adam's Do

931 [bushels]

22 Mar. 23

Willm Waters Do

436 [bushels]

23 27

Ditto Do Do

452 1/2 [bushels]

24 Apl 10.

James Adam

40 [bushels]



2331 1/2 [bushels] @ 3/9

437 3 1 1/2
26 1766 May 1

To Protest of Jno. Relfe's Excha. for Sterg


27 1767 Octr 4.

10 pr Ct on Ditto Intt & Prott



25 pr Ct on Ditto being the difference of Excha.




164 9 5
30 Apl 30.

To 211 Maryland Dollars returnd @ 6/

63 6 0
31 1767 Octr 1

Interest on Ditto to the date

1 3 4

To Intt upon the above Sum of £437.3.1 1/2 from Apl 10th 1767 to Octr 1st 1767

10 3 2


£ 1097 8 7
Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
2 1764. Septr 26

By my Bond to Colo. Carlyle (as Treasurer) for Lotts No. 112 & 118 this day taken in

£ 48 10


48 10
4 Septr 26.

By Balle pr Contra

4 4 1/2
5 1765. June

By my Sheriffs Acct with Mr Robt Adam

62 9 6

By my order on Colo. Carlyle—pr Jno. Prescot

7 June 17.

By Balle chargd pr Contra—this (viz. June Court) being the time that I always settle & pay my Sheriffs Acct—& from hence I shall che Intert

140 19 1 1/4


£ 208 12 11 3/4
9 1766. May 1.

By Jno. Relfe Esqr. on Messrs Abm Hake & Co. Merchts in London for Sterg



By Excha. of 22 1/2 pr Ct on Ditto




140 17 6
12 Septr 6.

By my order on Colo. Carlyle in favr of Jno. Prescot

4 0
13 1766 June 15.

By my Taxes &ca due the Sheriff

22 1 10

By one Quartr Cash Lisbon Wine of Mr Adam

8 10

By 2 others for Mrs Washington of Popes Ck and Mr Jno. Auge Washington @ £8 each

16 0 0
16 Octr 26.

By ye [the] remainder of his (Mr Adams's) private Acct against me renderd Octr 26th 1766 see ye [the] Acct it being in full of all our dealings to the date

7 4 7 1/2
17 Do Do

By Messrs Carlyle & Dalton's store Acct

30 11 0 1/2

By Colo. Carlyle's Order on the Treasury

40 13 7
19 Octr 29.

By Cash of Mr Robt Adam

25 0 0
20 1767. Mar. 8

By Jno. & Chas Oneills Excha. on Messrs Thos Wilkenson & Co: London for Sterg

£99—9—8 3/4


25 pr Ct Excha. on Do




124 7 2
23 9.

By Mr Hector Ross

21 0 0
24 Apl 20.

By Ditto

9 0 0
25 25.

By Cash viz. 333 Dollars & 2/. @ 6/. each provided I can pass them at the same

100 0 0
26 30

By Ditto in Maryland Money &ca if I can pass it

100 0 0

By my Bond of Doctr Savage for


28 June. 1.

By Intt on Do to the first of June after dedg my Acct agt Mrs Savage of 5.13.9




278 12 0


927 17 9
31 1767 Octr 1

By Intt upon ye [the] sevl Sums above from their respective dates to this time

30 15 11

By Balle carrd to folio 271

138 14 11


£ 1097 8 7