Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.232

Debit Side Annotation

Line 9 - According to GW's diary he and the directors of the Potomac River Company met in Georgetown, Md., on 22 Oct. 1787. The expenses to which he refers in this entry may have included both his meal at John Suter's tavern (at Georgetown), where he "Dined" that day, as well as his journey back to Mount Vernon, which included an overnight stop at Abingdon (Custis plantation on the Potomac River). GW was back at Mount Vernon on 23 October. See Diaries, 5:205-6 [Rotunda | Founders Online].




Ledger B, folio 232, left side



Ledger B, folio 232, right side
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1785 July 16

To Cash pd Mr Heartshorne, my Quota of Advance


Curry 33 6 8
3 1786 March 22

To Do pd Do my 1/3d Dividend, for the Poto. Navigation, on 5 Shares

66 13 4
4 July 3

To Amot of my Exps. as p. Accot Rendd

17 14 7
5 5

To Cash pd Mr Heartshorne, my 1/4th Dividend

66 13 4
6 1785 Septr 26

To Do pd Do my 2d Dividend, (Omitted)

16 13 4
7 1786 Octr 4

To Do pd expences up to the G. Falls to meet the Directors

8 1787 Septr 27.

To Cash pd into the hands of the Treasurer my fifth dividend on 5 Shares



40 0 0
9 [*] October 25th

To my Exps. at a Meeting of the Directors at G. Town


0 16 6
10 Novr 2

To ditto at a meeting of Ditto in Alexandria


1 0 9
11 8

To ditto at a meeting of Ditto in Ditto


0 9 8

To Majr Junifer's 5th dividend of one share paid to the treasurer by me



8 0 0
13 1788 June 5th

To my expences incurred in a trip to the falls of the Shannandoah on the business of the Coy


2 19 9
14 Augt 9

To expences in Alexandria at a meeting of the Directors of the Compy


0 15 0
15 March 15

To Mr Willm Hartshorne pd him for my sixth Dividend on 5 Shares @ £6.10.[0] Sterling each



43 6 8
16 Novr 3

To Ditto pd him by Mr Battaile Muse on my Acct my seventh Dividend on 5 Shares @ 5 £ sterling each



33 6 8
17 1789 Feb[r]uary 18

To my Expences at George Town attending a meeting of the Directors


1 11 3 1/2
18 1790 May 31.

To Mr Gurdin Chapin pd him for Mr William Hartshorne my eighth & ninth Dividend on 5 Shares


66 13 4
19 1792. Septr 17.

To Wm Hartshorne (treasurer) pd him the 10th Call on 5 Shares £50. Sterlg Int. from 1st Novr 1790 to 17th Septr 1792. £4.13.31/4. Exchge 331/£18.4.5.


72 17 8 1/4
20 Octr 3d

To Do pd Gurden Chapin for him the 11th Call on 5 Shares


53 6 8
Year Month Day Entry £ sh
2 1785.

By Amount of my 5 Shares at £100 Str: each

Sterling 500.[0].[0]

3 1786. Augt 15

By Cash recd of the Treasurer

34 10
4 1787 Septr 1

By Majr Junifer for his 5th dividend on one share put into my hands in Philadelphia



This acct settled by my payment of the several Instalments of one hundred pounds Sterlg on each Share—