Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.254
Page Overview
Account Name:
Credit Side Annotation
Line 26 - The title of François-Jean de Beauvoir, marquis de Chastellux's book is erroneously rendered in this entry as "travels in England." In August 1787, GW paid £1.10.0 in Pennsylvania currency for Chastellux's Travels in North America in the Years 1780, 1781, and 1782 (London, 1787), a translation of his two-volume Voyages de M. le Marquis de Chastellux dans l’Amérique Septentrionale Dans les Années 1780, 1781 & 1782 (Paris, 1786). Chastellux had presented GW with a copy of the latter French edition in 1786. See GW to Chastellux, 18 Aug. 1786 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 4, pages 218-19)]; see also Philadelphia Cash Accounts, 9 May-22 Sept. 1787, and n. 34 to that document [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 5, pages 177, 180)].


Year | Month | Day | Account Name | Entry | Page | £ | sh | d | |||||
1 |
Cash Dr |
2 | 1787. |
Amount brought over |
Pensya Curry £914.12.0 |
1268 | 18 | 5 1/2 | |||||||
3 | *June | 27 |
To the Estate of John P. Custis Esqr. recd from Doctr Stuart |
115.0.0 |
4 | June | 26 |
To Robt Morris Esqr. drew out of his hds |
100.0.0 |
5 | *July— | 5 |
To Ditto ditto |
105.0.0 |
6 | Augt— | 10 |
To Ditto recd of him in full of the Money lodged in his hands |
180.12.6 |
7 |
Carried Over |
£1415.4.6 |
1268 | 18 | 5 1/2 |
Year | Month | Day | Account Name | Entry | Page | £ | sh | d | |||||
1 |
Contra Cr |
2 | 1787 |
Amount Brot over |
Pensya Cury £898.14.6 |
1383 | 4 | 3 1/4 | |||||||
3 | * June | 27— |
By Robt Morris Esqr. put into his hands |
115.0.0 |
4 | June— | 17 |
By Charity 8/4 Ferriages 3/9 mendg my Coat 1/ |
0.13.1 |
5 |
By Paper 4/6 23d Washing 17/6—Club @ Gray's 6/ |
1.8.0 |
6 | 26 |
By Colonel Biddle pd him on acct |
100.0.0 |
7 |
By a Saddle for Washington Custis |
5.17.6 |
8 | * | 27 |
By Charity 5/6. Washing 11/—4 pr screw Hinges 30/ |
2.6.6 |
9 |
By a pair of Breeches for Will |
1.2.6 |
10 | July— | 7 |
By Washing 20/5 Sundries 11/8 |
1.12.1 |
11 | 9 |
By Colonel Biddle pd him in full of Accts |
35.19.4 1/2 |
12 |
By a Play Ticket 7/6—Sundries 7/6 |
0.15.0 |
13 | 16 |
By Mr Craig pd him my Servts board |
13.2.6 |
14 |
By Washing 17/6—17th Club @ the Tea-party 9/6 |
1.7.0 |
15 | 20 |
By Servants 3/9—21st Play Ticket 7/6 |
0.11.3 |
16 | 21 |
By Ferriages & Servts 5/—Washing 35/. |
2.0.0 |
17 | 23 |
By A pr leathr breeches for Paris 15/—Paper 2/. |
0.17.0 |
18 | 27 |
By Josh Cook & Co. Jewellers pd them |
39.15.0 |
19 |
By ____ Wagener pd him for a ps. linen 25 yds 5/9 |
7.3.9 |
20 |
By 4 Vols. Hudibrass 25/— Sundries 15/ |
2.0.0 |
21 | 28 |
By Washing 17/6. Sundries 15/ |
1.12.6 |
22 | August— | 2 |
By Exps. of my horses & Servts |
0.17.6 |
23 | 3 |
By a Seal 30/—Black-Smith’s Acct 28/. Sunds. 7/6 |
3.5.6 |
24 | 4 |
By Exps. @ Trenton 17/6. Sundries 7/6. |
1.5.0 |
25 | 8 |
By a Winble Bitt 52/6—1 pr Screw Hinges 7/6 |
3.0.0 |
26 | [*] |
By the Marquis Chastelleux travels in England |
1.10.0 |
27 |
By Sadler’s Acct 16/10—a Fan-Chair 32/6 |
2.9.4 |
28 |
By Will gave him 17/6—10th two Mortise locks 40/ |
2.17.6 |
29 | 10 |
By Jno. Wagner for 2 ps. linen 50 yds @ 6/2 |
15.8.4 |
30 |
By Thos Billingston, Taylor, his acct pd |
9.1.10 |
31 |
By Josh Rackestraw for self & others for the top of my Cupola |
24.7.1 |
32 |
By Colo. Biddle pd him |
11.5.0 |
33 | 11 |
By Nelson & Wiedman for 14 Bls Plaster of Paris & the cask containing it |
14.8.0 |
34 | 12 |
By Washing 15/—Cash given away 4/ |
0.19.0 |
35 |
By Cutting a Cypher on my Seal |
0.15.0 |
36 | 14 |
By Sundries 10/4—a Dog 15/ |
1.5.4 |
37 |
By Thos Palmer for shoes for Mrs Washington |
3.5.6 |
38 | 16 |
By Jno. Helm for 25 yds blk Sattin |
21.17.6 |
39 | 18 |
By Washing 15/. gave away 15/ |
1.10.0 |
40 |
Carried Over |
£1351.4.10 1/2 |
1383 | 4 | 3 1/4 |