Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.204

Debit Side Annotation

Line 3 - In a letter of 14 Sept. 1785 to William Hartshorne, the current treasurer of the Potomac River Company, GW wrote: "Colo. Wm Fitzhugh [1721-1798] of Maryland has this day requested me, to enter his name for one share of the Potomac navigation; of which I give you this information: he has also deposited in my hands ten pounds for the first & second advances thereon; which I will pay you when I come next to town, or to your order at any time." See GW to William Hartshorne, 14 Sept. 1785 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 3, page 248)].




Ledger B, folio 204, left side



Ledger B, folio 204, right side
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1785

To Amot Brot Forward


£ 716 6 1 1/4
3 [*] Septr 14

To Cash Recd of Colo. Fitzhugh for the use of the Treasurer of the Poto. Coy


Carrd forwd

£ 726 6 1 1/4
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1785

Amot Brot Forwd


413 18 7 ½
3 Augt 1

By 4 Yds bla. Ribbon 5/. a Hatt for Austine 6/.


By Ferriages at George Town 1/6 Charity 1/6

5 2

By a Hatt Band for Austin 6/. Given to my Nephs. G. & L. 13/4

19 4
6 3

By Canoe Men, going through the Seneca Falls

7 4

By Exps. at Mr Gold's Boroughs £1.4.0 Servts 1/6

1 5 6
8 5

By Tavern at Monocasy 6/. Charity 1/6 Barber 1/6


By 1 Pr Boots £2.2.0 Servts 1/6 1 Pr Gloves 2/6

2 6
10 6

By Exps. at Morris's Tavern

10 6
11 9

By Do at Stubbs Do at the Mouth of Shannondoah

3 6 7
12 10

By Do at Gold's Boroughs at Seneca


By Sundries 4/6 pd Boatmen from the Shannondoah £1.10.0

1 14 6
14 12

By a Pr Hair Ribbon 12/. 6 Prs Gloves for Mrs W. 12/.

1 4 0

By 1 Pr Blk Sattin Shoes 18/. Sundries 6/.

1 4

By Small Money to Mrs W. 12/. Charity 3/.

17 16

By Hair Powder 6/. Sent Colo. Riddle in a Bank Note 30 Drs £9

9 6

By Freight & Exps. bringing 7 Hounds from New york

8 11
19 26

By 63 Bushls Burned Limeston unslacked @ 2/6

7 17 6

By Difference of Carriage between Alexa. & Mt Vernon

21 27

By 2621/2 Bushls Oyster Shells @ 4 Dollrs p. Hundd

3 3

By Oranges 6/. 2 Small Bells 6/. Charity 1/6

13 6
23 28

By five Small Bells 15/. a Bricklayers Trowell 1/6

16 6
24 29

By a Plaisterers Do 1/6 Charity 1/6 Taylors mendg Coat 3/.

25 Septr 1

By Charity 3/. Chickens 3/. 28.430 Shingles 31.12.8

31 18 8
26 13

By Exps. 6/8 Colo. Fitzhugh p. Acct & Rect 46.11.1 1/2

46 17 9 1/2

By Cash pd Joel Beach for 41 Bushls Rye & Carro.

8 4
28 15

By Exps. 1/6 Charity £2.8.0 Corn &c. 4/6

2 14
29 22

By Exps. at Seneca Falls 9/. By Exps. Getting to Do hiring hos. £2.8

2 17
30 27

By Cash given away 9/ Repg & Cleang my Watch 12/.

1 1

By Limes 6/. Shott 9/. Mr Taylor to Buy Apples 2.16.[0]

3 11
32 Octr 2

By Charity £1.10.[0] Do 11/2 Gs. £2.2.0 Given away 12/.

4 4
33 17

By Ferriages at Geo. Town 1/3 Dinner at Do 2/.

3 3
34 18

By a Guide to the Falls 6/. Servts 1/6

7 6

Carrd forwd

£ 562 7 9