Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.305

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1789

Amount brot over.


£ 295 11 6
3 June 6

To one weeks Ferriages

4 12

To Hartshorn & Donaldson recd of them for 52 Bls Common flour @ 25/. pr Bl


To Danl & Isaac McPherson recd of them in part for 138 55/60 Bushls Wheat @ 5/3d. sold by wt @ 60 lb. to the Bushl amt £36.8.11 1/4

13 2
6 13

To one weeks ferriages

8 6

To Mr Dade (Sherriff) recd of him for 133 lb. Tobacco over pd him in the discharging of County Levies & Clarks Notes

1 10 1/2
8 19

To Danl & Isaac McPherson recd of them on acct of wheat sold them the 12th Inst.

9 20

To one weeks Ferriages

1 8
10 23

To Cash recd for 11 lb. fresh butter—8 lb. @ 9d. & 3 ditto @ 8d.


To Mr Benjamin Mackall for 6 weeks pasturage of his Mare @ 3/—no charge for the season of the mare as she would not take the Jack

12 26

To Danl & Isaac McPherson recd of them in full for wheat sold them the 12th also 112 52/60 Bushls deliverd them on the same terms the 19th Inst.

35 1 4 1/4

To Mr Alexander Smith recd of him in part for Fish

14 27th

To one weeks Ferriages

15 July— 2

To Cash recd of Gustavus Scott Esqr. by the hands of his Overseer £8.7.0. £3.4.7. being in full for the season of 9 Mares & 1 Jenny sent to Royal Gift in 1788. also pasturage & the Groom—the bal: £5.2.5. is on acct of Mares sent this season

8 7
16 3d

To Cash recd of Josiah Watson & Co: on acct of an order drawn on them by Mr Battaile Muse for the collection of my Rents

13 10
17 4

To one weeks Ferriages

18 8

To Mr Page (Tavern keeper Alexa.) for 4 lb. Butter @ 9d.


To Cash recd in full of Mr Alexander Smith for 80,000. Herrings, 2,090. Shad, Cooperage of Casks & his Boat

2 16 9
20 11

To one weeks Ferriages

21 14

To 10 lb. fresh Butter sold different persons in Alexa. @ 9d.

7 6
22 16

To Mr John Korn (Baker Alexa.) Recd of him for 3,889 lb. of Midlings @ <3>d./ 5,073 lb. Ship stuff @ 8/. and 73 Barrels @ 1/6d.

40 1 4


£ 513 9 11 3/4
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1789

Amount brot over


£ 119 9 5 3/4
3 June 4

By Thomas Wilkenson for mending a Copper Kettle, Tea ditto & Coffee pot

19 6

By Alexander Gordon for making a Hat for Miss Nelly Custis & Master Custis

2 5

By Thomas Mahony pd him on acct wages


3 19 6

By a small tin Coffee pot

7 10

By John Hawkins for 378 Bushls live Oyster Shells @ 16/8 pr hundred

3 3
8 11

By Mr John Fairfax pd him on acct of wages


9 12
9 12

By Mr W. Mc: Whir pd him for 6 months tuition of Messrs Geo: & Lawce Washington to the 1st Apl 1789 also Books furnished them by him & Mr Merryman with some articles of stationary as pr Bill


13 2

By Hartshorn & Donaldson for one Bl Brown Sugar 196 lbs. @ 45/

4 8 2 1/4

By the inspection of 52 Bls flour as charged in <their> acct

8 8

By a Bottle Rum for the people in gettg out flour

1 3
13 13

By Richd Lee for 350 Bushls live Oyster Shells @ 18/

3 3
14 19

By Joseph Bushby pd him as pr Rect for 2 Augers

3 4

By Robinson Sanderson & Co. as pr rect for a Coil lead & lines 1 Stock lock 1 Grind Stone

2 3 3
16 22

By Joseph Davenport pd him on acct wages


11 15
17 26

By Danl & Isaac McPherson pd them for 246 Bushls Oats @ 1/

12 6

By ditto for 1 Qt Rum for Negroes assistg abt wheat & Oats

1 3
19 24

By Doctr James Craik senr pd him the Bal: of his acct


20 2 1 1/2
20 July--- 1st

By William Gray pd him in full for weaving to this date

4 1 7
21 2d

By Thomas Green pd him on acct of wages

5 8
22 3.

By Mr John Fairfax pd him on acct wages


23 11.

By Alexander Smith (Boat builder) paid him in full for building a Ferry Boat 23 feet long @ 11/ pr foot. Sealg ditto 10/. 2 pr Oars 12/. 5 days work for himself & Boy repairg the larg. & fish Boats @ 7/6d. pr day

15 12 6
24 16

By John Murray & Co. pd them for 15 M. deck Nails 15 ditto 30d. ditto for flooring the new Barn wt 275 1/2 @ 7d. per lb: as pr Rect

8 8 1/2


£ 290 5 6