Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.238

Debit Side Annotation

Line 6 - In his letter to GW of 20 Nov. 1786, which has not been found, but which GW acknowledged on 24 Nov., John Francis Mercer enclosed "2 half Joes, & 7 guineas," which was a partial repayment for the 15 guineas GW had lent him on 16 October (see Ledger B, 221). GW must have lent Mercer the money soon before Mercer and his family set off for Annapolis, Md., on 16 Oct., after having spent the night at Mount Vernon. See GW to John Francis Mercer, 24 Nov. 1786, and n.4 to that document [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 4, pages 393-95).   





Ledger B, folio 238, left side



Ledger B, folio 238, right side
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1786.

Amount brot from Folio


£ 1809 17s. 4D.
3 Novr 16

To Richd Lee Esqr. of Maryland by the hands of Mr Wm Craik

14 12 9

To Mr Batt[ai]le Muse recd of him on acct of his Colln of my rents

5 18.

To one weeks Ferriage

1 12
6 [*] 24

To J. F. Mercer Esqr. recd from him in a letter

14 12
7 25

To one week's Ferriage

1 3
8 Decr 2

To Do 35/. 9th To Do 9/. 23d To Do 33/4

3 17 4
9 20

To Lawe Hooff butcher, recd of him for 4 old Cows

14 10
10 28

To Majr Thos Freeman recd of him pr Mr Lear

29 8 5

To Alexr White Esqr. Exr to the late Majr Genl Lee, recd of him pr Mr Lear

24 12
12 29

To Balance of 20 Guineas gave Mr Lear for Expences to Pittsburgh &c. returned by him

13 *30

To a Week's Ferriage

1 3
14 1787 Jany 6

To one week's ferriage

1 1
15 11

To G. & L. Washington recd from Col. Charles Washington by the hands of Mr McCrea, on their Acct

42 17 2

To an Order on Colo. Lyles & Co. presentd & pd

17 13

To one week's ferriage

1 0 9
18 20

To one week's Ferriage

0 13 6

* Cash recd & entd in 1786




34.11.9 3/4



£2026.16.10 3/4


Cash paid in 1786

£2026.16s.10 3/4d.


Carried to Folio


£ 65 12 5
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1786.

Amount brot from Folio


1832 9 11
3 Novr 16

By Jno. Fairfax's Expences bringing my Asses from Baltimore

6 6 5
4 18.

By Jams Lawson pd him on Acct

3 2 0

By sundries as per Memorandum book

14 16 0

By the Coach Dog pd for bringing him home

12 0
7 25

By Thos Green pd him on Acct of wages

1 8 0
8 26

By John Fairfax pd him on Acct of Do

7 0
9 27

By freight of Birds &c. from Baltimore

1 8 0
10 30

By Mr Lear for Expences to Pittsburgh &c. to be account<d> for

28 0

By Jams McHenry Esqr. sent him to pay Monsr Camponts [Campion's] bord

1 8 0

By Monsr Campoint [Campion] in testimony of my sense of his care of my Asses &c.—30 Guineas @ 28/

42 0
13 Decembr 2

By Captn Speak for repairing the ferry boat

1 7 0

By Servants at sundry times to this date

12 0
15 15

By Jams Lawson pd him on Acct of wages

3 0

By Charity 9/. By Servants 7/6

16 6
17 20

By Lawe McGinnis for balance of his Acct

4 19 4

By Mr Snowdens order in favr of Mr Wm Hartshorne for one ton of iron

22 0

By Wm Hartshorne & Co. for bill of Sugar

5 10 0

By Mr Jno. Hendrick's Cloth &c. for a great coat

3 18 9

By Go. & Le Washin[g]ton's board pd Mrs Dade

15 5 0

By 2 M. of 2d. tacks

5 0

By Sunds. pd for by G. A. Washington Esqr. as pr memd.

8 19 0 3/4
24 23

By Jams Lawson for 181/2 days work done in ditching by Patk Sherridan

1 13 11
25 24

By Philip Bater pd him on Acct of Wages

6 0
26 29

By Mr Lear's Acct of Expences to Pittsburgh

9 0

By Do pd him on Acct

5 0
28 1787. Jany 1.

By Charity 7/6. By Servants at difft times 6/8

14 2
29 3

By Mr David Finley for 7 Bushls Clover Seed 54/

18 18 0

By Mr Hunter for 2 prs Shoes for Mrs Washington

1 10 5

By Expences at Lomaxe's


By Silver Smith 6/. By 2 prs Gloves 11/4

17 4
33 4

By Jno. Evans for Plan & estimate for a H[ous]e in Alexa.

1 8 0
34 6

By Freight of 3 Barls & 2 firkins from Alexanda

4 6
35 11

By Richd B. Walker pd him on Acct of Wages

6 0

By Majr Go. A. Washington

53 15 8

By a Jack line & sundries before omitted

1 4 6
38 12

By Majr Go. A. Washington to buy mourning for me

16 16 0

By Mr Lear's Acct of Sunds. pd on my Acct as pr Memo.

10 10 6

By Mr Lear pd him on Acct

4 19 6
41 18

By Mr Saml Hanson pd him one Quarter's advance for G. & L. Washington's board, by Mr Porter

17 10 0
42 19

By Thos Green pd him on Acct of wages

6 0
43 20

By Lawce McGennes pd him in full for weaving

1 15 0

Carried to Folio


£ 142 13 7