Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.335

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1791

Amount brought over.


£ 5022 19 4 1/2
3 Novembr 17th

To Capt. Marshall Recd of him for the season of 2 Mares to Royal Gift 1791 also Grooms fee

5 1
4 22d

To Capt. Brook Recd of him for the season of a Mare to my Horse Sampson 1791. sent by Peter my Groom

5 23

To Mr Battaile Muse Recd of him by the hands of Mr Magnus Tate on acct of his Collection of my Rents


6 24

To Cash Recd of John Murray & Co. £93.11.8. being so much pd by them for Co. William Lyles which is on acct of the second payment of his Bond due to me

93 11 8

To Mr Hartshorn Recd of him for the season of 2 Mares to Royal Gift 1791. also Grooms fee

5 1
8 Decr 3d

To Colo. Gilpin pd by him £7.0.0. of Slacums Acct being so much replaced by him for 80 Bushels Salt furnished by Robinson Sanderson & Co. and which both they and Colo. Gilpin were pd for through mistake



£ 5196 0 0 1/2
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1791

Amount brought over


£ 4944 5 1/4
3 Novemr 16th

By Peter gave him to defray his expences to Dumfries sent after some sweet sented shrubs left there by Mr Jefferson

4 17.

By Peter pd him for his Grooms fees of Capt. Marshalls mares

5 24

By ditto for ditto of 2 Mares of Mr Hartshorn's


By William Wilson & Co. pd them for 2 Barrels Tar

1 4

By Mrs Anna Gray pd her for 1 Shawl 15/. 3 Yds Sarsnet 10/. 4 Yds Ribbon 2/8d.

1 7 8
8 28th

By Old Sall pd her for 1 dozn Chickens

5 0

By Davy (Overseer) pd him being for the Coopering of Tobacco Hoggsheads and Nails done and furnished at the Ware house which he pd for

2 6
10 29th

By 1500. flour Barrel purchased & pd for by Peter in Alexandria

11 30

By Thomas Haward pd him as p. Rect for 9587 feet Inch plank @ 7/6

35 19 0

By Lawson Parker pd him as p. Rect in full for the services of his deceased wife Darcus parker for acting in the capacity of a midwife to the following Women—Grace at Dogue Run—Rose & Delia at Frenches—Pegg at River plantn Charlott & Dolchia at Mansn house

3 10 0
13 Decemr 3d

By William Lawry & Co. pd them for Elastic stripe to make a surtoot for Miss Harriet Washington

3 18 9

By William Scrip pd him for making 2 pr Slipers for ditto


By Richard Weightman pd him for making a Surtoot finding buttons and trimings for ditto

1 9 3

By Perrin and Brothers pd them for Ribbon and Gloves for ditto


By Mr Charles Lee pd him as treasurer of the Alexandria Charity School my donation to said School for the year 1791. payable 1st of January next


By Paton & Butcher pd them for Bar Iron plow plates a drawing knife and one Gross Corks

7 18 1/4

By William Wilson and Co. pd them as pr Acct & Rect for 20 Bushls Salt

2 3 4

By ditto pd them for 4 doz: window Glass

1 19

By ditto lodged in their hands £7.7.0. also a draft on Robert Morris Esqr. of Philadelphia for £37.13.0. at 10 days sight from Benjn Harrison Esqr. of Richmond which Mr Wilson was to negociate, this money is to be applied to the discharge of a decree of the General Court in favor of Isaac Hite and others when the decree and statement is produced to Mr B. Washington who is authorised to settle it when applied for

7 7

By 10 Yds Dowlas of Mr Porter for Shirts for Will


By Hodgson Nicholson and Co. pd them for a pr of pistols Buttons for Overseers Clothes, and Locks—the pistols were for a Servant when I was making my tour to the Southward

3 17 11


£ 5068 2 10 1/2