Ledger A, 1750 - 1772: pg.161

Year Month Day Entry
2 1763

To Balle of last years Acct

lbs. 9,243


To Rents Received of Sundries—viz.

4 May 16

Edward Williams Hg Ck EW No. 1 Tare 119 Nett 1075 [pounds tobacco]

5 June 6

William Pool Pohick WP 3 94 1065 [pounds tobacco]

6 8

Jno. Crooke Hg Ck IC 2 112 1102 [pounds tobacco]

7 20

Gilbert Simpson Senr Ditto CS 1 107 1022 [pounds tobacco]

8 July 6

Henry Taylor Ditto HT 1 114 1053 [pounds tobacco]

9 19

Captn Darrel  Transfer 630 [pounds tobacco]

10 do

Ditto Ditto Ditto 191 [pounds tobacco]

11 Augt 6

Saml King Hg Ck SK 2 110 1065 [pounds tobacco]

12 9

John Sheridine Ditto IS 1 100 1050 [pounds tobacco]

13 10

Saml Johnson Senr Ditto SI 4 111 1030 [pounds tobacco]

14 do

Ditto Ditto Do 6 96 1065 [pounds tobacco]

15 16

Jno. Carney Ditto IC 6 104 1032 [pounds tobacco]


Nelson Kelly Ditto NK 2 100 1124 [pounds tobacco]



12,504 [pounds tobacco]

To Crop made on Bullskin in 1762 by Christopher Hardwick with 14 hands and Inspected at Huntg Creek Warehouses 1763 GW 1 1040
    2 983
    3 1040
    12 1042
    13 1061
    14 1094
    15 1103
    16 1100
    17 1176
    18 1057
    19 1093
    20 1022
    21 1077
  14 Hhds 34 1120


15,008 [pounds tobacco]

Ditto made at Doeg Run in Ditto by Jno. Alton with 11 hands & Inspected as above in 1763 GW 22 1102
    23 1182
    24 1303
    25 1252
    26 1172
    27 1163
    32 1087
  8 Hhds 33 935


9,223 [pounds tobacco]

Ditto made at Muddy hole in Ditto by Edward Violette with 11 hand & Inspected as above in 1763 GW 28 1039
    29 1121
    30 1073
  4 Hhds 31 935


4,168 [pounds tobacco]

Ditto made at River Quarter Ditt[o] by Saml Johnson Junr with 10 1/2 Shares Inspd as above 1763 GW 4 1170
    5 1092
    6 1194
  4 Hhds 7 1203


4,659 [pounds tobacco]

Ditto made at the Creek Quarter Do by Josias Cooke with 6 hands & Inspected as above in 1763 GW 8 1201
    9 1187
    10 1138
  4 Hhds 11 1174


4,700 [pounds tobacco]


Amt carrd over

59505 [pounds tobacco]

Year Month Day Entry
2 1763 May 14.

By Mr Thos Smith on Acct of Rent WP No. 2 Tare 107 Nett 1000

3 June 21.
By the Sheriff for Levies &ca Hg Ck IR 4 120 830
  Ditto WH 3   952
  Ditto WT 2 92 858
  Occoquan IE 4 96 955
  Pohick WP 1 104 871
4 Augt 1

By William Sewell 191



5,657 [pounds tobacco]

6 29.
By 15 Hhds Shipped on Board the Tryal Captn McGachin and Consigned to Robt Cary Esqr. and Company GS 1 106 908
  SK 1 120 980
  BS 1 118 1132
  GS 3 98 986
  EW 1 119 1075
  WP 3 94 1065
  IC 2 112 1102
  GS 1 107 1022
  HT 1 114 1053
  SK 2 110 1065
  IS 1 100 1050
  SI 4 111 1030
  SI 6 96 1065
  IC 6 104 1032
  NK 2 120 1124


15,689 [pounds tobacco]


By Mr Robert Johnston

630 [pounds tobacco]

9 Septr
By 34 Hhds Shipped on Board the Tryal Captn William McGachin, and Consigned Robt Cary Esqr. and Company GW Fred. 1 1040
    2 983
    3 1040
  Rivr Side 4 1170
    5 1092
    6 1194
    7 1203
  Creek 8 1201
    9 1187
    10 1138
    11 1174
  Frederick 12 1042
    13 1061
    14 1094
    15 1103
    16 1100
    17 1176
    18 1057
    19 1093
    20 1022
    21 1077
  Doeg Run 22 1102
    23 1182
    24 1303
    25 1252
    26 1172
    27 1163
  Muddy H. 28 1039
    29 1121
    30 1073
    31 935
  D:R. 32 1087
    33 935
  F 34 1120




37,758 [pounds tobacco]


Amount carried over

59734 [pounds tobacco]