Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.242

Credit Side Annotation

Line 37 - In a letter of 20 March 1787, John Hopkins, commissioner of Continental loans for Virginia, advised GW that he had paid on GW's account  "the sum of Fifty pounds" to James Buchanan, treasurer of the James River Company. Hopkins enclosed a receipt for the payment, which was for GW's "subscription to the James River Company," and asked GW for repayment of that sum. On 25 March, GW thanked Hopkins for advancing the sum to Buchanan, and wrote in part: "Your letter, with Mr Buchanons rect, is the first intimation I have had of the Company’s call on the Members for a dividend of their subscription. In the present instance I happen to be provided, and send the money with my sincere acknowledgments to you for the advance of it . . ." See John Hopkins to GW, 20 March 1787 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 5, page 98)]; see also GW to John Hopkins, 25 March 1787 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 5, pages 104-5)].





Ledger B, folio 242, left side



Ledger B, folio 242, right side
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1787.

Amount brot from

Fol. 238

65 12 5
3 Jany 27

To one Week's Ferriage

0 10 0
4 31

To Mr Wm Peake recd from him his Smith's Acct

0 7 3
5 Feby 2

To Colo. Jno. Mercer recd from him 4 Guineas & one half a Moidore

6 10 0
6 3

To one Week's Ferriage

2 0 0

To Majr G. A. Washington the balce of 12 Guineas

1 2 7
8 5

To the Estate of Jno. Parke Custis Esqr. decd recd from Davd Stuart Esqr.

35 8 0
9 10

To one week's ferriage

0 14 0
10 15

To Mr Batle Muse recd of him by Mr Morton

11 17

To one Weeks ferriage

0 15 6
12 20

To Mr Batle Muse recd on his Acct by his Ordr on Mr A. Wales of Alexandria

100 0 0
13 24

To one Week's Ferriages

1 6 0
14 28

To Geo. & Lawe Washington recd on their Accts by the hands of Majr Geo. A. Washington

15 10 0
15 March 8

To Benjn Dulany Esqr. recd of him 1 year's Rent

120 0 0
16 10

To two Week's ferriage

1 14 3
17 17

To one Week's ferriage

1 11 6
18 19

To Mr Hally on Acct of Rent due

11 0 0
19 21

To Mr Thos Moody recd from him on Acct of his father's bond to the Estate of Colo. Thos Colvill

103 9 10

To Do recd from him by Messrs Josh Watson & Co. Order

45 15 3
21 24

To one Week's ferriages

0 9 9

Carried forward to Folio


563 16 4
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1787

Amount brot from

Fol. 238

142 13 7
3 January 20

By 4 lb. Gun Powder @2/6

0 10 0
4 25

By Joh Davenport pd him on Acct of Wages

6 12 0
5 27

By Mathw Baldridge pd him on Acct of Do

15 0 0

By Sundries as pr Memo. Book

1 18 8
7 Feby 2

By Thos Mahony pd him on Acct of Wages

1 10 0

By Majr Washington's Acct of Sunds. as pr Memo.

15 13 5

By Jno. Fairfax's Acct of Sunds. as pr Memd. book

15 12 6 1/2
10 15

By my Mother sent her by Mr Jno. Dandridge 15 Guine[a]s

21 0 0
11 16

By Simon Smith, boat builder, pd him on Acct

3 0 0
12 17

By 84 bushls Poland Oats @ 3/

12 12 0

By James Lawson pd him on Acct 13 dollars

3 18 0

By Sundries

8 7 9
15 20

By the Trustees of Alexa. Academy pd into the hds of Docr Brown Prest of the board of Trustees for the use of a Charity School instd in sd Academy

50 0 0

By Mr P. Marsteller pd him for sunds. purchd @ Vende

6 0 9

By 1/2 Doz. Mustard @ 12/.

0 6 0
18 24

By Lawe McGennis pd him for netting 122 fms Sein @ 1/6

9 3 0

By 10 Bushs. Oysters

0 16 0
20 28

By Peter Pool pd him in part of Jno. Robertson's Order

1 4 0
21 March 1

By Sundries purchased by Mr Lear as pr Mo. book

6 0 4
22 6

By Mrs Elizh Alton Aministx of Jno. Alton pd her

5 12 0

By Peters expences @ George Town

0 2 0
24 7

By 95 Bushls Oats pr Jno. Fairfax's Acct @ 3/6 Maryd Currrency amountg in Virginia Curry

13 6 0

By 6 lbs. seine twine 12/. 10 pullets 8/

1 0 0
26 8

By Gilbt Simpson pd him in full of my bond

32 11 0

By Freight of 2 Bags Oats in the Stage from Gl Spotswood

1 5 0

By Mr Young pd him for 4 Bushls Oats @ 3/ Maryld currency, in Virginia currency

4 16 0
29 10

By 125 Bushls Oats bot of an En Shore man by Jno. Fairfax @ 2/

12 10 0

By 1 night's lodging for Jno. Fairfax @ G. Town

0 1 0
31 12

By Sunds. as pr Majr Washington's Acct in Memo. book

22 11 3

By Jno. Fairfax for Cash pd by him on my Acct

0 19 6
33 17

By Simon Smith pd him in full for buildg & repaig boats

8 2 0

By Thomas Green pd him on Acct of wages

1 8 0

By Mrs D. Parker pd her for delivering 4 women

2 0 0
36 19

By Mr Jno. Robertson pd him for Sundries as pr Memo. book

4 1 9
37 [*] 24

By The James River Company pd the Treasurer

50 0 0

Carried forward to


474 3 6 1/2