Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.245

Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
2 1787.

To Amount brought from Folio 242.

563 16 4
3 March 31

To one Week's ferriages

1 14 0
4 April 5

To Mr Josiah Watson recd of him on Acct of Colo. Colvill's Estate, in behalf of Mr Thos Moody

13 4 9
5 7

To one Week's ferriages

2 1 0
6 12

To the Estate of Jno. Parke Custis Esqr. recd in part for my Annuity by the hds of Doctr Stuart

162 7 3

To Doctr Stuart

2 11 0
8 13

To Mr Batle Muse on Acct of my rents

110 0 0
9 14

To one week's ferriages

1 7 8
10 16

To Mr William Halley recd in part for house rent

8 0 0
11 21

To one week's ferriages

0 18 0
12 28

To one Weeks ferriages

0 17 0
13 May 1

To Captn Horton for the balance of his fish Acct

0 15 5 1/2
14 2

To Mr Battaile Muse recd of him

20 0 4 1/2
15 4

To Thomas Newton Junr Esqr. for a bill on Mr Colin McIver of Alexandria

70 0 0
16 5th

To one week's ferriages

0 15 0
17 6

To Posey's fishery for fish sold by John Fairfax for Cash

75 1 6
18 7

To Mr John Robertson recd of him in full for the rent of Johnson's fishery for the present season

12 10 0

Amot carried over

1045 19 4
Year Month Day Entry £ sh d
2 1787.

By Amount brought from Folio 242.

474 3 6 1/2

By two Dutch redemptioners & 1 peice Oznamburge bot of Josh Watson & Co. Novr 30th 1786 and allowed in part payment of a Bond due from Mr Benjn Moody to the Estate of Colo. Thomas Colvill

45 15 3
4 March 27

By Charity

0 12 0
5 29

By Freight of a box of stucco from Baltimore

0 3 0

By the Millwrights pd them for repairs done my mill

12 12 0
7 April— 4

By Jno. Davenport pd him on Acct of Wages

4 8 6

By Richd B. Walker pd him on Acct of Do

6 0 0

By Thomas Green pd him on Acct of Do

6 12 0

By Mrs Washington £3.12.[0] Charity 6/

3 18 0
11 5

By 21/2 doz. Lemons 9/71/2—6 Bottles Mustard 6/—1 ps. Tape 71/2

0 16 3
12 7

By Philip Bater pd him on acct of Wages

5 0 0

By Ditto pd him in full of all demands as pr Rect

3 6 6 1/2

By Mrs Washington

3 12 0
15 12

By my taxes for 1786 pd by Doctr Stuart

162 7 3

By Doctr Stuart pd on my Acct

2 11 0
17 14

By James Lawson pd him on Acct of Wages

3 0 0
18 7

By Cornelius McDormott Roe pd him on acct of Do

3 0 0
19 14

By Majr Washington for Sunds. purchd on my Accot

6 13 6
20 16

By Messrs Porter & Ingraham pd their Acct

49 16 0 1/2

By Messrs Robertson Saunderson & Rumney pd yr Acct

34 1 9

By 1 pr Boots for Giles 36/. 1 pr leather Breeches 28/

3 4 0

By Messrs Porter & Ingraham for sunds.

0 4 6
24 19

By 63 1/2 Bushls Oyster shells @ 2d.

0 10 7

By Mrs Parker pd her for deliverg a woman

0 10 0
26 21

By Mathew Baldridge pd him on Acct of wages

2 16 0

By Freight of 4 Bbs. Corn from Colo. Lees—@ 4d. pr barl

0 6 8
28 23

By Mr T. Lear pd him on Acct

1 4 0
29 24

By 1068 ft of Inch & half plank @ 9/ pr hundd

4 16 3

By Mrs Parker pd her for delivering Doll at the Creek

0 10 0
31 26

By the Revd Doctr Griffith pd him my subscripn

7 10 0
32 28

By Cash given a Servt who brot a bag of peas from Colo. Lee's

0 1 6

By James Lawson pd him on Acct of wages

4 0 0
34 30

By 100 Bushls Salt @ 1/4—1 Bushl sweet Potatoes 6/ 2 door locks 8/

7 7 4
35 May— 1

By Mathew Baldridge pd him on Acct of wages

1 10 0
36 2

By my Expences to Fredericksburg

1 1 10

By Oranges & Lemons 6/ Sage; Chocolate & wine 22/6—1/2 doz. handkerfs 30/

2 18 6
38 4

By 16 Hhds Lime @ 21/—£16.16.[0] Sien Rope £12.14.[0] Colo. Lyles £3.11.2

33 2 2

By Colo. Hoe £4.12.6. Captn Steward 5/—Mrs Washington 10/

5 7 6
40 7

By Mr Jno. Robertson pd him a subscriptn for the Loss of his Corn house

4 0 0

Amot carried over

909 9 5 1/2