Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.241

Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1787.

To my Bond to Gilbt Simpson for

50 0 0
3 Jany 11

To Cash

53 15 8
4 12

To Cash to buy mourning &c. for me 12 Guineas

16 16 0
5 July 12

To Do pd on your Acct


6 10 0
6 Feby— 9

To 15 Blankets furnished by the Vendue Master purchased on your Acct @ 3/9 but chd 7/ being what they sold for then.

3 17 0

To 40 Bushls Oats @ 2/—£4. Apl 2d To Cash lent you £11.4.[0]

15 4 0
8 April— 20

To 221/2 Bushls Salt to salt your herrings @ 1/4

1 10 0
9 June 5

To 15 Bushls Irish potatoes bot @ 2/6

1 17 6
10 10th

To one Bll Tar

0 13 0
11 July— 12

To 41/4 Gallons of Rum at Harvest @ 2/

0 9 0

To 2 Wheat Scythes chd in Pensya Currency 15/4

0 12 3

To 1 Grass ditto chd in ditto 5/10

0 4 8
14 Augt— 11

To 11 Bushls Buck wheat @ 2/—Carriage of do—5/11 1/2

1 7 11 1/2
15 20

To 3 pecks of Salt deld to your people

0 1 0

To Cash pd for a Locket for Mrs Washington in Phila.


10 2 0

To 13 Bushls Rye @ 4/9

3 1 9
18 1788 Augt 1.

To Cash pd John O Connor for surveying Land for you


4 3 0
19 1789. Augt 25

To 1 pr Leading Lines 1/. Sepr 28th 2 Quarts Rum 1/2d. 29th 1 Qt ditto 7d.

2 9
20 Sepr 30

To 1 Qt Rum @ 7d. March 3d 1790. 4 pr Leadg Lines @ 1/. 23d 1 pr ditto 1/.

5 7
21 1790 Augt 25

To 400. 12d. Nails & 1 old Bag 4/


Carried forward to


£ 170 17 1 1/2
24 1787.

Ballce brot from


71 4 1 ½
25 Jany 25

To Cash paid you on Acct of Wages

6 12 0

To your Acct on my Mill Book since July last

7 15 3
27 April 4

To Cash pd you on Acct of Wages

4 8 6
28 From June 1785 to <Decr> 1785

To amount brot from Plantation book Fol. 154 kept by Mr Lund Washington & omitted to transferred to the Ledger when the Acct was first opened here

28 4 0
29 May 6

To 500 Herrings @ 5/. 2/6—125 Shads @ 20/— 25/—

1 7 6
30 June 1

To your Acct from the mill book since Jany 25

8 15 2
31 1

To Cash pd you on Acct of Wages 2 Guineas

2 16 0
32 July— 19

To Do pd your draft in favr of Mathew Baldridge


0 14 0
33 24

To your Acct brot from the Mill Book Since June 1st

2 9 0
34 Novr 2

To Cash pd you on Acct of wages


9 16 0
35 Decr 14

To ditto pd you on Acct of ditto


2 16 0

Carried forward to


146 17 6 1/2
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1787 Jany— 11.

By Cash pd on my Acct at sundry times amountg to

103 15 8
3 Feby— 2

By Sundries purchaced on my Acct as pr Memo. book

15 13 6

By Cash returned

1 2 7
5 October 16

By Cash pd by you to Smith, Young & Hyde for two ploughs on my Acct


5 5 0

By 46 Bushls Wheat deld at my Mill @ 4/9

10 18 6

By 4 Blankets returned Mrs Washington @ 7/

1 8 0
8 1788 Jany 1st

By Cash


30 0 0
9 April 28

By Mr T. Green Printer at Fredericksburg pd him for Advertising the Jacks & Magnolio—as per Rect

0 15 0

Carried forward to


£ 168 18 2

By Amount Carried forwd to New Acct


£ 146 17 6