Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.275

Credit Side Annotation

Line 16 - In December 1787, GW had ordered several bushels of red clover and timothy seed from the New York firm of Embree & Shotwell (Lawrence Embree and William Shotwell), which, in January 1788, sent him an invoice for the seeds. Upon his receipt of the seeds in February, GW informed the firm that their invoice would be paid by the New York import firm of Murray, Mumford & Bowen, to which GW was now making payment. See GW to Embree & Shotwell, 3 Dec. 1787, and n.2 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 5, pages 469-70)]; see also Embree & Shotwell to GW, 17 Oct. 1788, and n.1 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Presidential Series, Volume 1, pages 49-50)].

Line 19 -  In his letter of 13 Oct. 1788 to Philadelphia merchant Clement Biddle, GW noted that he was enclosing a bank note in the amount of $100, though he later realized that he had failed to include the note with the letter. In a follow-up letter to Biddle dated 15 Oct., GW enclosed the bank note and explained that it had been mistakenly "omitted" in his earlier letter due to "the hurry of making up" his "dispatches by the mail".  The bank note was to serve to both discharge the balance GW owed Biddle, and to pay for linen and seine twine which GW asked Biddle to procure for him. See GW to Biddle, 13 Oct. 1788 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Presidential Series, Volume 1, pages 47-48)]; and GW to Biddle, 15 Oct. 1788 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Presidential Series, Volume 1, page 48)]. GW had previously made efforts to discharge his debts to Biddle by instructing the latter keep the proceeds of the sale of herring and shad. Uncertain of the success of Biddle's attempts to sell the fish, GW remitted him the bank note. See GW to Biddle, 16 Sept. 1788 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 6, pages 517-18)]; and Biddle to GW, 2 Oct. 1788 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Presidential Series, Volume 1, page 28)].




Ledger B, folio 275, left side



Ledger B, folio 275, right side
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1788

Amount brought forward from Folio


869 0 0
3 Sepr 24

To the Commissioners of the Turnpike Road, recd of them on acct of wood cut off my Land in Louden for repg sd Road.

3 12 0
4 27

To one week's ferriages


0 14 0
5 Octr--- 4

To one week's ferriages 23/—11th—By ditto—12/


1 15 0
6 16

To Mr Anderson for the season of a Jeny to R. Gift & 21 Weeks pasturage @ 3/ per week

7 7 0

To Mr B. Muse recd of him on acct of the Collections of my rents


25 2 8
8 18

To one week's ferriages


0 15 0
9 21.

To the Corporation of the Town of Alexandria for the principal of my Subscripn towards building a Ware House, pd in Novr 1771

50 0 0

To Interest on the above sum 16 years and 11 months—@ 6 per Ct

50 15 0
11 22d

To Mr Lawrence for a Veal Calf sold him

1 16 0
12 25

To one week's ferriages


1 11 0
13 29

To the Estate of Mr James Kirk recd the Balance due upon Mauger's bond assigned me by Mrs Kirk

7 18 5
14 Novr— 1

To one week's ferriages 29/— 8th To ditto 24/


2 13 0
15 8

To Moses Ball in part paymt for £10. lent him in May 1786

3 16 0
16 15

To one week's ferriages


0 8 0
17 19

To Mrs Anna Slaughter recd of her for Cash lent in 1773


6 10 0

To ditto—for the Season of a Jenny sent to my Jack

4 4 0
19 22

To one week's ferriages


1 10 0

Amount carri[e]d over


1039 7 1
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1788

Amount brought forward from


797 7 9
3 Sepr--- 22

By Parish Levys pd Josh Powell in full for the present year


14 5 7 ½

By Richard B. Walker paid on acct of wages


0 4 6

By Mr John B. O Kelly pd him in full for teaching Misses E. Custis & Harriet Washington to dance 1 quarte

4 16 0
6 26

By Mrs Elizabeth Alton pd her on acct


7 0 0

By Richd B. Walker pd him on acct of wages


6 4 0

By Joseph Davenport pd him on acct of wages


2 8 0

By Cornelius McDormott Roe pd him on acct of wages


9 4 10
10 27

By a pr Gloves 4/6—By Overseer Davy pd him for honey 6/

0 10 6
11 Octr--- 1

By Philip Bater pd him in advance part of his Ch[r]istmas money


0 12 0
12 4

By Toll at the Turnpike, Servants &c.

0 3 6

By Thomas Green pd him on acct of wages


3 10 0
14 8

By Thomas Newton Junr Esqr. for a bill in paymt of 36,000 Shingles @ 8/ per M.

14 8 0

By J. Merryman for half a dozn packs of playing Cards

0 12 0
16 [*] 11

By Messrs Murray, Mountford & Bowen pd them in full for the amt of Embree & Shottwell's bill for Clover & Timothy Seeds, wh. they had discharged in N. York £33.6.8 N. Yk Currency

25 1 4 1/2

By Messrs D. & I. McPherson pd them for a bbl of apples

0 12 0
18 14

By Profit & Loss on two Chances in raffling for the Encyclopædia

1 4 0
19 [*]

By Clemt Biddle Esqr. sent him in a letter a bank Note (in Dols.)


30 0 0
20 18

By Expences at Wises in Alexandria

0 3 0
21 21

By Mr Lee Massey pd my subscriptn to him thro' Mr Hartshorne

8 0 0

By Mr Sanford pd him for a silver plate 4 inches long & 1 broad

0 18 6

By Expences at Wise's Tavern

0 2 6
24 25

By D. & I. McPherson pd them for a sack of table salt

0 12 0

By 2 Sifters

0 4 1
26 29

By Colo. Simms pd him for bringg suit upon Mauger's bond

0 18 0

By ditto pd him for bringing an action against Rt Alexander

0 18 0
28 31

By Joseph Davenport pd him on acct of wages


11 2 0

By James Pettit pd him on acct of ditto


2 16 0
30 Novr 5.

By the Revd Docter Griffith pd him in full for pew Rent to Augt last

5 0 0
31 6

By Cornelius McDormott Roe pd him in full for his own wages, the wages of his brothers & all demands


88 10 2
32 7

By William Gray pd him on Acct of weaving


4 6 2

By Captn Ellwood pd him freight of Sunds. from Philada

1 11 0
34 8

By Expences at Wises Tavern

0 2 6
35 12

By James Pettit pd him in full for brick-making & all demds


5 8 3

By Charles Hagan pd him on Acct of brick-making


17 18 0

By William Gray pd him in full for weaving to this date


2 14 11
38 14

By Thomas Mahony pd him on Acct of wages


8 18 6

By 5 Gallons & 1 qt honey bot at sundry times @ 5/

1 6 3
40 24

By William Lowrey & Co. pd them in full for Cloth as per bill

6 5 9

By Fees for registering 3 Surveys at Richd pd Mr Hunter

2 14 9

Amount carried over


1088 7 5