Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.212

Credit Side Annotation

Line 9 - On 27 Feb. 1786, GW asked William Hunter, Jr., an Alexandria merchant, to deliver 20 guineas and 16 dollars to English portrait painter Robert Edge Pine (1730-1788), who, the previous spring, had gone to Mount Vernon to paint portraits of GW, Martha Washington, the four Custis grandchildren, and of Frances ("Fanny") Bassett. The 20 guineas were to go towards the cost of the portaits, and the rest of the amount was to be used to pay for the frames. GW had initially asked John Francis Mercer to remit the payment to Pine, since Mercer owed GW money, but, not having received a reply from Mercer, GW then charged Hunter with carrying the money to Pine. See Robert Edge Pine to GW, 16 Dec. 1785 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 3, pages 460-61)]; GW to John Francis Mercer, 30 Jan. 1786 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 3, page 526)]; GW to Pine, 26 Feb. 1786 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 3, pages 573-74)]; GW to William Hunter, Jr., 27 Feb. 1786 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 3, pages 575-76)]; and GW to John Francis Mercer, 6 March 1786 [Rotunda | Founders Online | Print (Confederation Series, Volume 3, page 584)]

In his cash accounts, GW had also noted the following in an entry for 27 Jan. 1786: "By R: Pyne, Pd him the 19th May 1785 Omitted to be charg’d" £28 (see Ledger B, 207, and the annotation there).




Ledger B, folio 212, left side



Ledger B, folio 212, right side
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1786 Feby 10

To Amot Brot from Folio


£ 294 19 10 3/4
3 11

To Cash recd for Ferriages this week

2 0 6
4 25

To Cash recd from Thos Newton Junr p. Wm Hunter Junr


To Cash recd for Ferriages to this Date

1 3 6
6 March 11

To Cash recd for Ferriages, to this Date

12 6
7 16

To Cash recd for Ferriages, to this Date

8 3
8 22

To Cash recd from John Maddock by the hands of Josh Browner for the use of my Horse Leonidas in 1783


To Cash of Mr Heartshorne for 50 Barrls Supfine Flour @ 38/ p. Bl


Freight of 50 Bls @ 9d. p. Barrl

1 17 6

To The Estate of John Mercer Esqr. p. John Mercer Junr Esqr.

12 27

To Colo. Lyles, for 31 Barrls S:fine Flour, freight &c. @ 38/9

60 1 3

To Messrs Geo: & Lawe Washington, p. Colo. Washington

14 29

To Cash recd for Ferriages to this date

1 1
15 Apl 7

To Ferriages, to this Date

2 6 9 ½

Carrd to folio


£ 763 11 2 1/4
Year Month Day Entry Page £ sh d
2 1786 Feby 10

By Amot Brot from Folio


£ 236 9 10
3 13

By Seine Twine, Hair Powder & other things

19 6
4 25

By Mr Hunter's Accot for Iron, Tar, Stockgs &c.

33 14 1

By 1 Pr Boots for Bill £2.8.0 1 Side leather 12/.


By Paton & Butcher 1 Beaver Hatt for the Genl


By Mrs Dade, makg 4 Ruffled Shirts @ 5/. & 2 Plain Do @ 4/.

1 8

By 10 Bushls Oysters £1. Freight of Trees from Mattox 9/.

1 9
9 [*]

By Mr Pine, by the hands of Mr Hunter Junr 20 Gs. & 20 Dlrs

10 March 4

By Cash, Expended in my Trip to the Falls


By George & Lawe Washington 3 Prs Shoes £1.4.0. Cocks 9/.

1 13
12 8

By Cash lost at Cards 4/3 6 Bottles Mustard 12/ Draying a Bl Tar 1/3

17 6
13 11

By Thos Bishop, gave him to buy himself Shirts

1 8
14 14

By Phillip Bater, Gardener in part of Wages for the year 85

6 5 6
15 16

By George & Lawe Washington pd Mrs Dade 1 qr of their Board 10 Gs.


By Freight of Corn, & 6 Bushls Peas, from Pamunky Creek, Yk River

25 3
17 22

By 4 Wash Basons 4/. 1 Water Jugg 2/. 2 Pint Muggs 1/. 3 Pint Bowls 1/6

8 6

By 1 Dozn Oranges 5/. Balla. Herbert & Potts Accot 1.9.71/2

1 14 7 1/2

By Wm Wilson 1 ps. Sheeting 51 Yds 8.18.6. John Murray & Co. Raisins 4.8.0

13 6 6

By Geo: & Lawe Washington, pd Mrs Dade 1 quarter's Washing


By 2 Barrls Cyder @ 3 Dollrs each 1.16.0. Cartage of 25 Bushls Coals 3/.

1 19

By Jas Craike & Coy their Accot 6.16.7. 91/2 Bushls I: Potatoes 3/. 1.8.6

8 5 1

By Ld Washtn's Order in favr of Thos Green 19.13.101/2. 1 Dozn Gimbletts 2/8

19 16 6

By my One Third Dividend on 5 Shares Subscrib'd to the Po. Coy £50 Str. is

66 13 4
25 27

By Inspection of 31 Barrls Flour 8/4 3 Papers Ink Powder 2/3

10 7

By Colo. Lyles & Coy 1 Hhd Rum Contg 118 Galls. @ 2/.

11 16 0

By Messrs Brundage & James 2 Ps. Sheetg Linnen 109 Yds @ 2/4

12 14 4

By Jonathan Swift & Coy 1 Cask 4d. Nails 46 M. cost 1/10 Adva. 66 1/2

7 0 7

By John Muir's Accot for Sundries

8 2 7

By David Pearce's Accot for Passage of the Jack &c. as p. Mr Heartshns Acct <&> Rect

33 3 6
31 29

By Joseph Davenport (Miller) 6 Guins. is

8 8
32 Apl 7

By John Muir 31/3 Yds Supfine Blue Cloth @ 36/6 p. Yd

6 7 9

By Do 11/2 Yard I: Linnen @ 3/6. 5/3 1 Yd Sheeting 3/.

8 3
34 15

By Thos Green, 1/4 Year's Wages

11 4

By Thos McCarty 1/3 Year's Wages, due the 25th of last Month


By Phillip Bater, in full of last year's Wages, ending the 8th of Do

3 10 6

By Thos Scott, pd him freight of 6 Boxes, & 1 Man's Passage from Baltimore


Carrd to folo


£ 597 12 0 ½