Robert Adam (1731–1789) was born in Kilbride, Scotland, migrated to America in the early 1750s, and settled in Alexandria, Va., where he initiated a number of industries, including a tannery and flour mill. He was a major buyer of flour from GW's mill and his dealings with GW dated back at least to 1760. Robert was also a member of Alexandria mercantile firms. He entered into a partnership with John Carlyle to form the Alexandria firm of Carlyle & Adam. In 1770, Robert also joined in a trading partnership with Matthew Campbell (d. 1782) and James Adam, under the title of Robert Adam & Company. The partnership dissolved in 1776. In addition to his role as a merchant, Robert Adam also served for a time as sheriff of Fairfax County, and as a militia officer.
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The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition, ed. Theodore J. Crackel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda, 2008.